Committee activity
We met again on Wednesday 2nd October and discussed the usual club matters as well as Quiz night, Gun Powder Trot prep, #RunAndTalk events, website updates and a member survey. More on some of this later. We agreed to meet again on 20th November and you are welcome to join us by arrangement.
The Results Round-up
Some incredible achievements to read about. Compiled mainly from the race reports by Chris Yeomans, your regular results fix of who has been doing what, where, when and why is HERE!
35th Anniversary celebrations
Over 150 people attended the anniversary celebrations in the park after the annual Horsham Round on bank holiday Monday 26th August. We had free fish & chips, commemorative t-shirts and a special cake! Phil said a few words and we thanked the teams from guest clubs for attending. The weather was a bit warm and so we lazed around under the trees behind Horsham Bowl and some even drank beer! A fab day was had by all!
Quiz night – 25th October
Slightly earlier than usual due to venue availability so you best start brushing up on your knowledge of all things film, history, sports, music and more as it’s nearly time for the annual Horsham Joggers quiz again! Under the expert eye of quizmaster, Martyn Newton, it will take place at Horsham Cricket and Sports Club on Friday 25th October. Please arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Maximum 13 teams are required and entry costs £18. There will be a maximum of six players with at least two hj members in each team. You can now register and pay for your team via the MemberZone. There will be 9 rounds in total with a break halfway through. The bar will be open all night for you to buy drinks but feel free to bring your own nibbles to eat at your table. Good luck!
Gunpowder Trot
Plans are now in the final stages, and we are fast approaching our own WSFRL fixture on Sunday 3rd November 2019. Margaret now has enough volunteers and job allocations will be sent out over the next few weeks to those who completed the Survey Monkey link. If you’ve offered to volunteer, PLEASE save the date and try not to make any changes before the event as it takes countless hours to pull this all together. Entry is open via the MemberZone for those not wanting to volunteer.
Charity Donations
In addition to funding the recent celebrations, we are delighted to be able to give two charitable donations of £600 each this year to the West Sussex North Branch of MDNA (Motor Neurone Disease Association) and The Hope Charity. MND is a cause close to hj’s heart having lost two bright lights recently to this awful disease and The Hope Charity is a local organisation run by people who are personally touched by a young person struggling with their emotional well-being. They provide a much-needed resource for children aged 10-18 and their families, who are experiencing the trauma of mental health issues in our society today. We hope to welcome charity representatives to our annual awards ceremony in December in order to present the donations.
#RunAndTalk events
As mentioned in previous newsletters, we will be starting to incorporate RunAndTalk events within our Tuesday evening programme (initially once a month) – details of these will be posted on our usual social media platforms.
As an introduction to this, your Mental Health Champions, Mark and Geri, will be available for an informal chat at The Bridge Café on Tuesday 8th October following the regular club run. Please pop in if you’d like to find out more, share ideas, or just to say hello!
Don’t forget we’ve added some additional pages to our website with lots of useful information. Do have a look and let us know what you think – we’d also love to hear from anyone who is interested in getting involved.
Guest Speaker – An Evening with Phil Hewitt.
In tandem with RunAndTalk, we are excited to be joined by Sussex Newspapers Group Arts Editor and marathon runner Phil Hewitt to talk about his new book, Outrunning The Demons (Bloomsbury, 2019), which celebrates the massive mental health benefits of running. Phil will be speaking at The Bridge Leisure Centre, Broadbridge Heath, on Thursday 21st November (8pm).
As Phil says: “Running can take us to fantastic places. Just as importantly, it can also bring us back from terrible ones. For people in times of crisis, trauma and physical or mental illness – when normality collapses – running can put things back together again”.
Phil will talk of his own experience, after being mugged – stabbed, punched, kicked and effectively left for dead in Cape Town 3 years ago, and how he put himself back together again by getting back to his first love, running….
The book also includes interviews with 34 people from around the world who, as he says, have been to hell and discovered that the surest, safest, quickest way back was to run. He interviewed people caught up in 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing; people who have lost loved ones to murder and natural causes; people who have suffered addiction, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, violent and sexual assault; and sheer bad luck.
The result is a remarkable collection of stories about hope and survival – a genuinely uplifting celebration of the strength of the human spirit and all the good that is unleashed simply through running.
This will be a free event for members, but due to limited spaces you will need to book your place by contacting Mark Aylmore at
Race reports
Chris Yeomans is still kindly producing the weekly report for the local press but ideally, we’d like this to be a shared role with another willing volunteer. It involves scanning the race calendar, results pages, social media etc on a Sunday or Monday and sending a brief summary (with a photo or two) to the local newspapers. If you can help, please CONTACT US
Challenge Trophy Results
All four CT races have now been run and Steve Wilson is pulling together the results ready for the awards presentation. Having done this for a few years, Steve will be taking a break next year and handing the reins over the Miranda Huisman. We thanks Steve for his help and diligence in completing this tricky role.
Possible Twinning Trip
We are looking to organise a trip to our twinned club in Germany next year! Our links with TG Lage have been in place for many years and it would be nice to go to visit one of their biggest events of the year after they visited us during Barns Green last year. The Hörster Waldlauf takes place on Saturday May 9th next year and is a festival of running comprising of a Half Marathon, 10 and 5K as well as child’s races over 1.2 and 400m all taking part in the beautiful Teutoburger Forest. We are checking for interest initially so here is the proposed itinerary:
- We would organise transport on the Friday to the airport (probably Heathrow, Stanstead or Luton), participants would need to book their own flights and hopefully we can match it up so we can either be on the same flight or within a short space of each other.
- We would then organise transport at the other end to Lage (approx 90 minutes).
- TG Lage have a large sports complex with facilities, but the sleeping arrangements would probably be a dormitory style. They would also be happy to give us a B&B arrangement.
- We would then return by the same arrangements on the Sunday.
There is a possibility that some of us could be put up by TG Lage families if anyone was interested. It would be an adventure and we are sure a great event! We are going to gauge any interest and then maybe organise a meeting to discuss it further, so if it sounds like your thing please CONTACT US
Membership survey
Our membership currently stands at 560 and so it’s becoming more and more difficult to ask each member for their views on the club and what they want to get from it. So we are putting together our very first membership survey which will go out in the New Year and we need some help. If you have market research type skills and would like to help put this together, please CONTACT US
Dates for your diary
6th Oct – Lewes Downland 10 (SGP)
6th Oct – Heron Way 10k
6th Oct – Bournemouth Half and Marathon
13th Oct – Great Walstead 5 (WSRFL)
19th Oct – SEAA x-country relays
20th Oct – Hove Prom 10k (SGP)
20th Oct – Worthing Seafront 10k
20th Oct – Great South Run 10m
20th Oct – Great Bottom 5, Arundel
25th Oct – hj quiz night
26th Oct – Beachy Head Marathon/10k
27th Oct – Crawley 10k
27th Oct – Steepdown Challenge (WSFRL)
3rd Nov – hj Gunpowder Trot (WSFRL)
9th Nov – Sussex x-country league, Lancing
10th Nov – Rewell Wood 5, Arundel
17th Nov – Brighton 10k
24th Nov – Crowborough 10k (SGP)
24th Nov – Jigsaw 10k, Dunsfold
Don’t forget; if you’ve got something worthy of the newsletter then please let us know!