VMLM club ballot

Have you been rejected from the Virgin Money London Marathon ballot? Don’t despair! There is still a lifeline to taking part in next year’s event. We have 3 places available but you have to meet the following criteria:

  • Places no.1 & 2 (club allocation) – Entrants must fulfil the club rules which can be found HERE
  • Place no.3 (Volunteering) – Entrants need to have volunteered at either VMLM in 2019 or Ride London in the last 2 years and also have been rejected through the ballot this year.

If you are interested and can provide evidence to support your claim to any of the 3 places available, please CONTACT US to register your entry to our ballot. Names will be drawn from a hat at the annual awards ceremony which is planned for Tuesday 3rd December 2019.