HJ 10k – We Need Volunteers and Bakers!
Who among you lovely lot knows their way around the kitchen? The Horsham 10k is fast approaching on the 22nd of this month and we need volunteers to provide tasty treats for the refreshment stall. Cakes and biscuits are required in significant volume – apparently we usually shift 20-odd cakes. Maria Pettitt is overseeing this crucial part of the Horsham 10k experience and you can email her on hjcakes10k@gmail.com to offer your services and let her know what you can provide. This is the first Horsham 10k for three years, so let’s get that table groaning under the weight of your HJ Bakes.
And, of course, there are many other volunteer roles* to fill, so please get in touch if you are able to give time on the 22nd and let’s make it go with a bang. Not an actual explosion, though. That would be bad.
Fees Please
It’s that time of year again when we have to remind all the membership fee stragglers to haul themselves over the line. Remember there are lots of lovely benefits to membership and if you prefer the stick to the carrot then please also remember that anyone who doesn’t pay their fees before the end of May will have to pay a rejoining fee on top!
Time Trials in Roost Hole
The next HJ 5k time trial events will be on Tuesdays June 14th, July 12th, and August 30th – all starting at 7pm. This fun summer event rewards the individuals who improve their time most dramatically from the first to the last of the 5k runs.
We had a great turn-out for the first events on May 10th. Here is a fantastic photo of all who took part. Our thanks to Lee for organising, and to his team of helpers (Julie, Clive and Izzi). Results can be found at www.horshamjoggers.co.uk/club-time-trial/
Note; HJ members can run all 4 Trials but only 3 count (the three that show most improvement). The winner is not necessarily the fastest runner but the person whose time over this distance has improved the most. So, if you missed the first one, fear not!
Also through the summer, and also on Tuesdays – although in this case on the third of each month – we will be starting club runs at the Duck Pond in Horsham Park rather than the Bridge leisure centre in BBH. There will be a warm-up session at each of these runs, starting at 6:45pm for all groups, ahead of the run starts at 7pm.
Routes are posted in advance on our members Facebook page ‘HJ Runs!’.
Don’t forget to check the club calendar for upcoming events:
Coach Fiona’s popular and varied sessions are also here:
New Committee Members
We’re delighted to welcome Marcus Leach to the HJ Committee as our new Social Secretary. Marcus will be taking over from Roger Johnson and our thanks to both of you for contributions past and upcoming. In addition we are lucky to have Susan Wilcox joining us as our second Welfare Officer. Welcome and thanks to Susan!
Beer Night
Speaking of socials, Mark Aylmore has provisionally arranged for an HJ evening at the fabulous Chapeau Brewery (Unit 8 Redkiln Cl, Horsham RH13 5QL) on Saturday 28th May, from 19:00. The brewery will be open for just our use, with draft and bottled beers, wine, local Horsham Gin from Cabin Pressure Spirits, and soft drinks.
There will also be food available (must be pre-booked), with a burger and a pint for £12 (Mick who runs Chapeau is a chef by trade, so the food is always good – and there will be veggie options too!). If you would like to come along, please email markaylmore79@gmail.com, and do so before the 20th if you want food. There will be a £5 deposit, non-refundable after the 20th, and the event will only go ahead if there is sufficient interest.
First Aid Training
Recently some of our members attended a Heartstart First Aid course given by Horsham Community Responders. It covered vital CPR skills as well as how to handle some minor running injuries. Well done to Jane Footer, Karen England, John Berry, Jo Bull, Jacqui Williamson, Sue Hensman, Paul Morley, Jo Stone, Warren Marks, Andrew Wright, Sok Wah Lee, and Margreet Potter for taking part – and to Clive Walker for arranging.
Sturdy Legs
We’ve all heard about people shaving seconds off their marathon times. But shaving beards off during a race? That’s what Chris Sturdy did during the Brighton Marathon this year, dropping into a barbers for some facial restyling and then getting back out on the road and completing the race. We’ll have to check his splits to see if the weight reduction and improved streamlining made things easier! Well done, Chris.

South Downs Way Relay
It’s coming up on May 28th and we have two full teams competing. An intense but thoroughly rewarding team event. If you haven’t got anything else on, get up on the Downs and cheer on the runners. And then go to Chapeau for a beer!
Want to know about the ITB? It’s over to Tony at Hands On!
Hi everyone, in this edition I wanted to discuss something that often comes up with my previous topic of foam rolling, and that is the Iliotibial Band (ITB). Quite often I’m asked how to best stretch the ITB, should I use the foam roller, it feels tight etc. but I think we need to understand the ITB a bit more.
To enable us to do this we have to understand the anatomy of it. The ITB is a thick band of fascia formed proximally at the hip by the fascia of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and the tensor faciae latae muscles. It runs down the lateral thigh and inserts into Gerdy’s tubercle on the Tibia. The ITB is primarily made up of collagen fibres which are aligned in a very organised vertical fashion to allow for better force absorption with weight bearing activities. There is a small amount of elastin fibres amongst the collagen which allows it to be slightly elastic helping it to act as a spring. However, this does not give it the ability to stretch like a muscle.
So now we know what the ITB is we can understand what we can do to create a change to it. Can we stretch it……….no, will a foam roller do anything to it……….no, can it be tight………..no. BUT it doesn’t mean it won’t cause us some problems. The ITB is one of the most common running injuries we see. Due to the ITB insertion on Gerdy’s tubercle, it actually has no bony attachment along the femur. Therefore, it has the tendency to shift forwards and backwards as your knee flexes and extends.
ITB syndrome is a common knee injury that usually presents with pain/tenderness on palpation of the lateral aspect of the knee. It is considered a non-traumatic overuse injury and is often associated with underlying weakness of hip abductor muscles.
So if you have some pain or tenderness to the outside of your knee with or after running and you feel your ITB is tight perhaps we need to try something other than stretching or foam rolling the ITB. It’s not to say that any stretching or foam rolling you may already do to the ITB is going to cause you problems because it absolutely won’t. It just means it’s probably not doing what you think it is!
What have you been up to?
There has been a lot of HJ travel lately, and here’s a quick round-up of some of your achievements, with thanks to Chris Yeomans for compiling the results.
Well done to everyone who ran the Gatwick Half – the results will be in the next newsletter – but a shout out to Harry Wilcox who was the first HJ home.
Caroline Bransden, Elisabeth Scott, and Viv Underhill ran the Vienna Half marathon. Well done, ladies!
Jason Walker ran the Limassol Marathon on March 20th in 4:02:04 (pacing). Unseasonably cool weather, but race day was a lovely sunny day with a cool breeze.
Paul Davis, Simon Perkins, Luke Minogue, Hadley O’Dwyer and Steve Wright ran the hot and hilly Dubrovnik Half on the early May bank holiday.
Mel’s Milers 10k, which is one of this year’s challenge cup races, had a typically hefty turnout from HJ. Simon Perkins and Lea Quentin were first male and female joggers home. The race is on mixed terrain which is mostly off-road, taking in a lap of the school grounds before heading off to Southwater along the Downs Link, through the Country Park, and back along the Downs Link. There is only a short section through a residential area and three road crossings to disturb this. This is a friendly club run event ideal for first time runners, those marathon tapering or looking for a PB. Seventy nine Horsham Joggers completed the 10K and times Simon Perkins 37:00, Ryan Rothe 39:55, Harry Wilcox 41:28, Lea Quentin 42:06, Tom Robertson 42:09, David Malins 43:24, Nick Street 43:44, Simon Holmes 44:22, David Dawson 44:57, Mark Aylmore 45:13, Malcolm Footer 45:34, Lucinda Potten 45:44, Jonathan Fengaras 46:53, Christopher Lee 47:52, Andy Robins 47:59, Miranda Huisman 48:05, Joanna Stone 49:03, Ian Michell 49:09, Juliette Somers 49:15, Ian Dickinson 49:19, Penny Barron 49:52, Miranda Morley 49:59, John Dyckes 50:06, Victoria Robins 51:14, Tim Canham 51:31, Clive Walker 51:40, Geoff Fisher 52:02, Paul Morley 52:03, Warren Marks 52:04, Richard Harwood 52:19, Andrew Hartley 52:33, Allison Hartley 52:51, Richard Barron 53:25, Marcus Leach 53:29, Kirstie Hedger 54:03, Martine Burke 54:36, Mel Bullen 54:44, Richard Shergold 55:00, Matthew Horne 55:31, James Hawthorne 55:39, Stephen Wilson 57:50, Martin Allen 57:59, Vicky Holliday 58:24, Margreet Potter 58:35, Amanda Sullivan 59:15, Theresa Adams 59:21, Trevor Scott 59:27, Lisa Jestico 1:00:01, Lizzie Cotton 1:00:06, Louise Johnson 1:00:20, Mark Wilmot 1:00:33, Sue Newman 1:00:54, Peter Helliwell 1:01:25, Claire Miller 1:01:46, Rachel Morgan 1:01:55, Rebecca Harrison 1:02:02, Sally Malins 1:02:41, Hayley Reohorn 1:03:08, Stephanie Charman 1:03:19, Sarah Worrall, 1:03:24, Claire Butler 1:04:04, John Berry 1:04:45, Chris Garner 1:05:07, Clare Gray 1:05:09, Sok-Wah Lee 1:05:21, Christian Liberman 1:06:32, Samantha Edwards 1:09:36, Ian Hines 1:09:52, Jane Footer 1:10:33, Lorraine Hunter 1:12:06, Penelope Sanders 1:13:39, Catherine Vinall 1:14:57, Barnaby Smith 1:15:25, Sue Hensman 1:15:47, Coral Kennedy 1:16:10, Diane Berry 1:16:48, Heidi Chaney 1:17:29, Laura Sowton 1:17:37 & Michael Duplock 1:24:49
Manchester Marathon prides itself on welcoming all to take on their 26.2 mile challenge, from some superb elite runners, to those who thought completing a marathon would never be possible. Many regular runners find this the ideal event to get a personal best time, whilst everybody finds the incredible Mancunian support throughout the course unforgettable. Results Gary Tomlinson 2:38:15 & Jason walker 4:14:22 (4:15:00 pacer)
Sussex Relay M60 Team Dean Angell 11.35, Pete O’Connell 11.47 & Steve Wigmore 12.17
Brighton Marathon and 10k start in {Preston Park before snaking its way through the Brighton City Centre, along the glorious seafront and finishes on the iconic Madeira Drive in front of thousands of cheering spectators. Race Times for the Marathon Hadley O’Dwyer 3:24:56.1, Michael Dargue 3:24:56.1, Luke Minogue 3:28:03.7, Daniel Price 4:25:00.7, Richard Shergold 4:45:18.10, Michael Saunders 5:11:27.8 & Sue Zanin 5:01:09.4
10k Race times Neil Clarke 55:58.9, Barnaby Smith 1:13:56.4
SDW50 is a 50-mile foot race along the South Downs way National Trail, beginning in Worthing and Finishing in Eastbourne. Runners start by negotiating six miles of chalk footpaths and bridleways, climbing up to join the South Downs way at Chanctonbury Ring. The remainder of the course is identical to the final 44 miles of the SDW100 and remains on the SDW until the final turn off – bringing runners out to finish with a lap of the track at Eastbourne.
Race Times Chris Yeomans 09:47:14, James Tombs 10:11:17, Ian Moore 10:43:27 & Paul Chantler 10:51:43
The Moyleman Marathon is a challenging South Downs run, around the beautiful and demanding hills that surround the town of Lewes. This is a run designed for those that love running and are experienced runners who want to experience all that the hills can throw at them…and throw it back with passion.
Results Dan Pettitt in 3rd place 03:12:38, Chris Yeomans 04:55:02, Alan Pettitt 05:37:11 & Nicola Smith 05:37:11
Yeovil Half Marathon starts in the town centre before heading along the entire length of Yeovil Country Park. The route then leaves the town on the western side to Montacute House, before returning on quiet country roads to the Town Centre finish in the Quedam Shopping Centre. Results Hadley O’Dwyer 01:28:22.
Wolverhampton 10k is open to runners of all abilities whether it be your first 10k or your 50th, this fast route offers a perfect chance for a chip time, personal best with full road closures during the event. The start and finish is in the Molineux Stadium, the home of the Premier League football club Wolverhampton Wanderers. The remainder of the course will be on flat closed roads around Wolverhampton. Results David Malins 00:41:08 45th Overall
Wisborough Green 10k results will feature next month!
Event Calendar – Here’s what you can get yourself into!
May 22nd – Horsham 10k
May 28th – Arundel Half, 10k, 5k
May 28th – South Downs Way Relay (HJ has two full teams)
June 19th – Madehurst 5k and 10k
June 25th – WSFRL Downland Dash
June 26th – Denbies North Downs Half Marathon & 10K
July 6th – WSFRL Roundhill Romp
July 10th – WSFRL Hornets’ Stinger
July 23rd – Maverick Race East Sussex
July 24th – WSFRL Seven Stiles
July 28th – Run Reigate Trail Run
August 3rd – WSFRL Highdown Hike
August 10th – WSFRL Windlesham House 4
August 21st – Henfield Half Marathon
August 28th – Arundel 10k
August 29th – Horsham Round
September 3rd – TRIBE x Maverick Run Free Marathon
September 4th ,- WSFRL Fittleworth 5
September 11 – WSFRL Tilgate Forest
September 18 – Run Reigate HM
September 25 – Barns Green Half Marathon and 10K
*Since writing, the club has made the following statement about our 10k race:
Rare opportunity …
Firstly, thank you to all Horsham Joggers that have kindly offered to volunteer at the Horsham 10k on 22nd May. Without you we just can’t put the race on. You should by now have received an email from the Race Team telling you where to be and when. Thanks so much.
This year, however, we have a rare and unlikely to repeat opportunity for Horsham Joggers who are not marshaling to now run the Horsham 10k.
Please see the link below so sign up.
Let’s get the race fully booked and help to create a great atmosphere on race day.
And if you’re not volunteering, or now running, please come along (with a cake for our cake stand) to cheer everyone on.
See you there
Paul, Chairman