Category Archives: Newsletter


Happy New Ye… Wait, what?

January is already gone! How the flip did that happen?

How are all the new-year-new-you plans coming along? Did you do Dry January – the opposite of all that December drinking? Did you do Veganuary – the opposite of all that seasonal meat eating? Or did you do Satanuary – literally the opposite of Christmas? Whatever you chose to mix things up, hopefully it all worked out and you all Ranuary as far as you possibly could!

Anyway, you blink and it’s February. If that’s how quick months are going these days then we’d better look down the track and see what’s speeding towards us like Gary Tomlinson being chased by a dog and a wasp. 

First up, the Horsham 10k will take place on Saturday May 22nd. You know the drill: we need around 100 volunteers to make the event happen so the club respectfully requests that HJ-ers put their names forward to help out rather than enter the race itself. Unless of course you can win the race and then cut the timing tags off everyone else’s shoes. 

Information coming soon about volunteering, so keep the feelers out. 

But before that, Brighton Rocks…

There are club places available for Brighton Marathon and 10K on Sunday 10th April. If you would like to take part in either of the above events and have not yet secured a place, you can get a club entry place via Horsham Joggers. Please email by Friday 11th February and let her know:

First Name / Surname / Email address / Distance : Marathon or 10k

You will receive an invite directly from the organisers after 13th February to register online and pay the entry fees, which are £75 and £35 for the marathon and 10k respectively. You must complete your individual registration by 1st March 2022. For more information, please visit the Brighton Marathon website.

Let’s have a votey for the VotY (and the JotY)

Let’s get one thing straight: You are ALL stars. But tradition is tradition, and so it’s time once again to vote the HJ Jogger and Volunteer of the Year. 

For reasons pandemical we did not get to a 2020 award so we are combining ‘20 and ‘21 into a single bumper award, with winners to be feted at the AGM, which is on April 8th (and after which there will be a social – everybody welcome!). 

We need you to choose from the nominees at the links below. Joggers: Cast your votes! (Please note the survey closes on Feb 28th.)  JoTY  VoTY

You can submit nominations all year round via the club website, so any time you are inspired by one of your peers, let it be known so they can make the list for the 2022 award. 

Get the Benefits

Membership of Horsham Joggers comes with loads of extras like a first class flight. If you want discounts at local running stores, or with Hands on Sports Therapy (see below), or with running coach Lawrence Roy, who has been a big hit at the track sessions, just get yourself over here and see all the bonus goodies you get with your membership. 

South Downs Way Relay

This year the SDW Relay will take place on Saturday 28th May, to avoid clashing with the SDW 100, which runs in the opposite direction. And good job, too. One can only imagine the carnage if the two races were to collide. You can picture the drone footage: Ditchling Beacon strewn with the tough sinewy bodies of hardened distance runners. Dazed relay eventers staggering around Queen Elizabeth Country Park, waving batons at the public, whimpering gibberish. Actually, I think that did happen one year…

Anyway, over to the club’s SDWR event manager, John WIlcox. 

Arguably the best ‘running’ day out of the year!

We are looking for Horsham Joggers to take part in this “invitation only” event for about 55 teams. Horsham Joggers have been allocated two teams (of six).  This is a relay race over the 97 miles of the South Downs Way, starting at Beachy Head and finishing at Winchester. The teams consist of six runners who each run three non-consecutive legs of the relay. The distance of each leg is somewhere between 4 and 8 miles and you’ll have a good break between each of your 3 runs. Each runner will run somewhere between 15 – 18 miles over the course of the day, almost entirely off road. The teams travel between the start / finish points of each leg by minibus and you will have a driver and navigator looking after you. There is a time limit to complete the event, meaning that an average pace per mile of at least 8.5 minutes over hilly terrain is required (over the whole distance). Although it’s tough (it’s hilly!) and a long day, it is a truly great event with a lot of team spirit and camaraderie.  Everyone who has ever taken part, including the drivers and navigators, will confirm that the sense of achievement and fun had is immeasurable. The team entry fees are paid by the club, the cost per runner is approx £35.00 to cover minibus and fuel costs. In addition to 12 runners we need drivers and navigators for each team.

At this stage if you would like to take part (or even if you only think you might be interested in taking part) or want to know more please e-mail John Willcox:

Full details of the event can be found on the organisers website:  Get in touch and get your name on the list, you won’t regret it!

Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’…

It’s time for the latest from Tony at Hands On Sports Therapy (the H.O.S.T. with the most advice for Horsham Joggers). And this month he wants to give you the low-down on <winces>  Foam Rolling… It might surprise you…

Over to you, Tony. 

Hi everyone, so in this month’s newsletter I wanted to delve into the subject of Foam Rolling, or what some call Myofascial Release. It was a question that was brought up at the Injury talk I carried out to you at the end of October and wanted to give a more thorough answer.

Foam Rolling has become a popular intervention used in all sorts of sporting activities used to increase the efficiency of training or competition preparation as well as speed up post exercise recovery. BUT what does it really do and does it live up to the claims?

If we type Foam Rolling into google for a definition we may see something along the lines of “an application of pressure to eliminate scar tissue and soft tissue adhesions by freeing up your fascia”. 

Now imagine the family fortunes `X` when they get a question wrong! 

To try and answer this it’s best to explain briefly what fascia is. It’s a connective tissue that surrounds organs, blood vessels, bones, nerve fibres, muscles and individual muscle fibres. We have a superficial and a deep fascia.PDF] The fascia: the forgotten structure. | Semantic Scholar

If we have some adhesion or fibrosis between these layers applying pressure will unfortunately change nothing and just compresses them together. For release or breakdown of scar tissue both fascial layers need to be sliding in opposite directions. Something not possible from a Foam Roller.


What about trigger points then I hear some of you ask? Well, the current understanding of what trigger points are is that we don’t fully know! There is however a good chance that they are not taught bands that have been suggested in the past. So if we don’t fully know what trigger points are can we say a foam roller will `release` it? 

So, how does Foam Rolling really work then? The current “best guess” would be that it creates a painful stimulus that activates inhibition of pain from the nervous system. This will then create short term effects on performance, recovery and range of motion. There is however still no 100% answer as a lot of it is opinion based.

What does the science say?

Some recent studies have shown that the effects of Foam Rolling on performance and recovery are rather minor and partly negligible, but still a very slight, short term improvement. Another study showed Foam Rolling to have a positive effect in range of motion in healthy adults when compared to not doing anything. However when compared against stretching there was no superiority. 

When comparing Foam Rolling with built in vibration there was no difference in outcomes.

So, what can we take from all of this? In essence I think it’s fair to say that Foam Rolling probably isn’t doing all of the things we previously thought, breaking down scar tissue etc. BUT it does seem to give a very slight short term improvement and most importantly it isn’t causing you any harm. So, if you want to Foam Roll and you feel it gives you some benefit then keep doing it! Another thing to come from the recent research was how long we should be rolling for, aim for 90 seconds per muscle as a minimum but there is no upper limit however it won’t likely add any more advantage.

I hope that answers a few questions out there. Who’s for some Foam Rolling?!

[Well, not me, now. Ed]

What have you been up to?

Chris Yeomans has the news

Resolution Trail Race 9th January 2022 starting at Staunton Country Park, a large country park situated between the A3 and the A27. This amazing early season trail run has it all, spectacular tree lined trails, magnificent views of the open countryside, an ornamental lake, and ancient follies. The route offers a spectacular mix of trail running conditions including gravel paths, sturdy trails, and tree lined single track trails. There are two routes, and epic 15km and a 10 km standard route.

Claire Miller completed the 10k in 01:10:24 and Phil LIberman completed the 15k in 01:23:29

WSFRL Hangover 5 Results:

Race Results

Well done to all who took part.

First Horsham Jogger male: Gary Tomlinson 33.51 10th position overall

First Horsham Joggers female: Martine Burke 47.23 29th fastest female 142nd overall.

37 Horsham Joggers attended.

Next race is Crawley Run Crews at K2 on the 13th February. Good luck to those who managed to secure a place!

Don’t forget, if you’d like a race mention, please get in touch at

You are GOLD!

Sussex Masters Cross Country Saturday 22nd January, Pete O’Connell, Stephen Wigmore & Alan Pettitt won Gold in the V60 Team event which was a 8km cross country run

Help the House?

Crawley Open House, the residential homeless shelter in Three Bridges, is looking for runners to raise sponsorship at the Run Gatwick event. They have free places for fundraisers. Contact Ian Watkins if you’re interested.

UK Running Events

Are offering 10% off to the club. Discount code = HORSHAM10

Fancy running 100 miles in the Himalayas?

You can if you want to! 

Mel’s Milers 10k is back!

Find out more here:

The other HJ-ers are having a race…


In conjunction with Henfield Joggers

Sunday 21st August 2022

10.30am Start and Finish at Henfield Leisure Centre

Off road Half Marathon scenic course along riverbank and disused railway, flint paths & stiles, disabled and less abled athletes welcome if you feel the course is within your abilities please contact us before entering. Changing rooms, showers, toilets and free parking. There is also hot, cold drinks and food available on the day.

E-mail for more information

Upcoming Events

Feb 12th – Maverick West Sussex

Feb 12th – Alf Shrubb Memorial Open 5 Mile XC

Feb 13th – Crawley Run Crew 8k WSFRL

Feb 13th – Goodwood Run Festival

Feb 19th – Kelly’s Guildford 10k

Feb 20th – Run Reigate Trail 5k and 10k

Feb 27th – Brighton Half (HJ Club Challenge race)

Feb 27th – Jigsaw 10k Dunsfold

Mar 1st – Run and Talk Tuesday (after the club run)

Mar 2nd – HJ Committee Meeting

Mar 6th – Eastbourne Half

Mar 6th – Steyning Stinger Half and Marathon

Mar 6th – Surrey Half

Mar 20th – Hastings Half

Mar 20th – The Moyleman

Apr 1st – Membership Renewals Due

Apr 3rd  – Mel’s MIlers 10k (HJ Club Challenge race)

Apr 5th –  Run and Talk Tuesday

Apr 8th – HJ AGM & Social

Apr 10th – Brighton Marathon and 10k

Apr 19th – Lewes Easter Monday WSFRL

Apr 24th – Worthing RunFest Half and 10k

Apr 30th – Mid Sussex Marathon Weekend

Apr 30th – East Grinstead 10 Mile (HJ Club Challenge race)

May 1st – Mid Sussex Marathon Weekend

May 2nd – Mid Sussex Marathon Weekend

May 5th – Run and Talk Tuesday

May 8th – Run Gatwick Half

May 8th – WSFRL Hedgehoppers 5

May 15th – Wisborough Green 10k

May 22nd – Horsham 10k

May 28th – Arundel Half, 10k, 5

Huge thanks to Mike Hibberd for another fantastic news round-up!


And so this is Christmas

Even if the ongoing madness means you’re Home Alone this Christmas, don’t forget It’s a Wonderful Life and at least you’ve got your Elf – which is important for all the Die Hard runners of Horsham Joggers. (Although you could be forgiven for thinking it’s more Groundhog Day than White Christmas right now…!)

Thanks to you

As 2021 draws to a close it’s time to thank all of our members for continuing to make Horsham Joggers a great club to be part of, and a supportive running environment for everyone from the super quicks to the nice and steadies. Indeed the club continues to expand like a Christmas waistline, with 510 members at the latest count. 

There’s been a lot of hard work this year to keep the club moving through challenging times with a number of new faces on the committee. We’ve invested in getting more of our members LiRF-qualified  (Leader in Running Fitness), we’ve got the new training kit in circulation (great to see that out on the club runs), increased group options, added new run leaders, introduced RunAndTalk Tuesdays, and even secured the use of The Tube at The Bridge for when it gets so cold that Thursday night track sessions turns into Dancing on Ice. 

Track continues to go great guns – don’t forget it’s open to all and (for now at least) you just have to turn up and pay £1.50 (contactless please) on the night. 

There have been murmurs from some folks who can’t make a track night on a Thursday. If anyone is interested in an informal get track session at a different time of week/day, let us know. It might be possible to organise a group. 

Volunteers of Joy

Clearly the uncertainty will continue into 2022 and the back office workload will continue to pile up so if you have any time you can volunteer to the club, please do get in touch. 

In particular we are looking for someone who’s a bit handy with websites and social media management as Andy Robins has stepped down from his committee role. Many thanks to Andy for all the support and enthusiasm he has provided. Welcome, meanwhile, to Ella Agent, taking over as our new Treasurer. A Treasury Agent, no less. Many thanks to Iain Campbell for all the hard work over the past three years. 

We also need volunteers to help out with: 

  • The coordination of the summer pub runs which – with all the usual caveats – we hope to restart in 2022
  • Marathon training for Brighton and London preparation
  • The club Time Trial (the Itchingfield Time Trial as it was previously known), which will see one run per month in May, June, July, and September
  • The Horsham 10k, slated for May 22nd

In other personnel news, Julie Jochimsen is the new club rep for the West Sussex Fun Run League which is back for ‘22, kicking off with the traditional Hangover 5k on January 1st. If you’re running in that race, don’t forget you need to be resplendent in your HJ kit in order for the club to be awarded points for your participation. 

We recently paid a special thanks to Jenny Boyd for her many years service on the committee as our WSFRL rep (pictured below with Club Chairman, Paul).

Paul Morley presents Jenny Boyd with flowers

Quizzical Exercise

A shout out to everyone who participated in the HJ quiz in November, with particular thanks to Quizmaster Roger, and Julie for organising an evening that raised more questions than a Number 10 Christmas Party. The winners were the Hoka Cokeys (pictured) and the wooden spoon went to Blood Sweat and Beers, underscoring the importance of coming up with a run-pun of a quiz team name. 

The winning quiz team

Parkrun Tourism

We’ve just brought back the Parkrun tourism round-up on the Facebook page and the club would like to encourage any Parkrun members who are interested to work up some organised touring to local events, perhaps once a quarter. It would be great to get dressed up in club kit and show the club’s face at some of the nearby runs. Tilgate Park on January 15th is mooted as a first attempt. If you do go along, please try and hang around to support all your fellow members. 

HJ Club Challenge Races for 2022

The club challenge races will be back next year, and the qualifying events will be:

  • 10k – Mel Milers 10k, Sunday 3rd April
  • 10 miles – East Grinstead 10, Saturday 30th April (part of the Mid Sussex Marathon Weekend)
  • Half Marathon – Brighton Half, Sunday 27th February (NOTE: entries close on 31st December!)
  • WSFRL – Fittleworth  Flyers  Fittleworth 5, Sunday 4th September

There will be various age-category awards, just make sure you run in your HJ race top to be in with a chance of winning. If you happen to be in Gary Tomlinson’s age category, we can only apologise.

Charity Donations

The club is very pleased to have made this years’ donations of £400 each to:

West Sussex MIND

Chestnut Tree House

Horsham Responders

Honourable Mentions – and New Email Address

We have had one or two instances of members’ results getting missed from the newsletter and we want to make sure we try and avoid that wherever possible. Sometimes the results don’t show club affiliation, which makes it difficult to find you all. The results gatherers do their best to catch what they can but, if you really want to make extra sure you’re included, please email your result directly to – in fact use that email address for anything at all you want included in the newsletter. 

Having said that, and with apologies to anyone we’ve missed in the past – and indeed in the following round up – here is some kudos:

  • Delayed mentions for London Marathon runners Andy Robins 04:36:35, Victoria Robins 04:51:58, Lisa Bowler 04:59:14, Tony Hogben 04:45:07, Margreet Potter 04:43:01
  • Delayed mentions for Worthing 10k Becky Harrison 01:00:08, Simon Holmes 00:43:19, Claire Miller 01:01:12, Barnaby Smith 01:19:47
  • Chris Yeomans Watch: Southend Pier Marathon 03:55:28. Portland Coastal Marathon 04:54:28. Roly’s Run, a circular 40-mile route in and around the Meon Valley. Watch time 07:56:32
  • Ian Bradbury completed the Frontier South Downs Ultra in 07:35:23 
  • Hampton Court Palace 10k. Emma Walters 00:46:20, Graeme Hull 00:47:44 & Ian Hines 01:33:53
  • Goodwood 10k Hadley O’Dwyer 00:39:24, Nick Street 00:42:47
  • Goodwood Half Lee Jestico 01:19:50, Julian Shelley 02:13:22
  • New Forest 16k Paul Davis 1:05:40 – Second Place!!
  • British Masters 10k Road Championships: Bryan Camfield 38:59, Pete O’Connell 39:01
  • Laura Luxton for winning the Winter Handicap (pictured below)!
Paul Morley presents Laura Luxton with Winter Handicap trophy

Upcoming Events

Jan 15th – HJ Parkrun tour to Tilgate Park

Jan 16th – Tadworth 10

Jan 19th – HJ Committee Meeting

Feb 12th – Maverick West Sussex

Feb 27th – Brighton Half

Feb 27th – Jigsaw 10k Dunsfold

Mar 1st – Membership Renewals Due

Mar 2nd – HJ Committee Meeting

Mar 6th – Eastbourne Half

Apr 3rd  – Mel’s MIlers 10k

And that’s a wrap for 2021. Happy Christmas everyone, have the best break possible and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep on running!

Huge thanks to Mike Hibberd for another great read, and for giving up his time to keep us informed and entertained with HJ News throughout the year.

HJ NEWS – 24th OCTOBER 2021

Get yer kit ON

The Hell’s Angels, the Bloods and Crips, the Yakuza. All well-known community organizations whose members make themselves easy to identify thanks to a particular dress code. And why should the Horsham Joggers be any different? We, too, should wear our badge with pride as we go about our gang club activities. Not leather jerkins and long beards, though. Not bandanas and checked shirts. And not forced amputation of little fingers (although the reduced weight could help you get that PB!). Instead why not get yourself over here and avail yourself of the new Horsham Joggers training kit. 

Long and short sleeve Ts in club – what is it, maroon? Burgundy? Merlot? – or some nice white shorts, waterproofs, the lot. You can get your initials on them for a small additional fee, too! What’s more, you can get your initials on them for FREE if your initials are HJ. 

Then everyone in town will be aware of your allegiance when you’re training and not just when you’re racing. And if you spot anyone around Horsham in CRC gear you can bust a cap on their ass give them a wave in acknowledgement of our friendly local rivalry. 

Suffer the little children

The Committee has decided after giving it much thought that the club will not at this time establish a juniors section for kids under the age of 18. Instead the club will look to link up with the Blue Star Harriers who have a great set-up for kids over the age of 10. However, members who would like to bring their kids along to runs or training sessions are welcome to do so (if indeed there are people who enjoy running to an unbroken looping soundtrack of “can we go HOME now?” – or maybe that’s just mine…).

Please just remember that children must be accompanied by (and are the responsibility of) a parent or guardian.

Track – just turn up!

No more booking needed. ‘Nuff said!

Your club needs YOU!

Ok, we need some of you wonderful people to put your names forward to help manage some club activities. We need volunteers to lead head torch trail runs (requirements: own torch, own head), marathon training runs in 2022 and, more immediately, to help with the HJ Winter Handicap on Tuesday November 9th. We need 12 volunteers for this last one, including 10 marshalls. 

We are also on the hunt for a new Club Treasurer, to help look after all our treasure*, as Ian Campell is standing down in April next year. Big thanks to Ian for all the hard work. 

Ian also deserves additional thanks for his organization of this year’s marathon training. Thanks, too, to our coaching trio of Lawrence Roy, Fiona Clifton, and our new run leader Jane Footer!

*The Committee regret that the club is unable to accept applications for the post of treasurer from anyone with a recent conviction for embezzlement. So much red tape. 

Tony Talk

It’s like a TED Talk but with Tony Schofield, from Hands On Sports Therapy. It’s happening on October 27th, it’s focused on preventing, managing, and treating common running injuries, there are just a few spaces left, and you can snap them up here.

Large Clock for Hire

Did you know that Horsham Joggers look after and manage the Sussex Athletics race clock? Well, now you do! It’s free of charge for official HJ events and can be hired out for any other external events throughout the region. Affiliated clubs within the network even get a reduced hire charge! For full details, please take a look at the website: 

Any old shoes?

If anyone has any old running shoes that are still in reasonable condition, TV’s Simon Perkins is still collecting for the Gatwick Refugee Detention Centre. They are desperate for more and are hugely grateful for the donations we’ve made so far. DM SP on FB if you have any sitting around that look too good to throw away! Loads more detail on the charity here: Thanks!!

Fundraising Score!

Word from the Riverside Walk Committee: We are pleased to announce that following last month’s Annual Riverside Walk, donations by walkers and supporters to Parkinson’s UK Horsham branch amounted to £2,860.37. Members of the Horsham branch of P UK have asked us to thank all who contributed.

Honourable Mentions

What a lot of running you’ve all been doing! Here are some shout-outs for some wonderful achievements from the HJ Fam.

  • Some class Dad and Daughter action from Lee and Izzi Jestico at the Goodwood 5k. Young Izzi  was 1st junior, 6th female and 20th overall coming in at 25:02, while her Dad took second place with a sub-17!
  • Barnaby Smith has had a great few weeks, running his first two 10k races at Worthing and Littlehampton!
  • In September Pete O`Connell, Steve Wigmore, Dean Angell & Bryan Camfield won GOLD in the Sussex M50`s at the Goodwood relays. We salute you!
  • Joggers in this year’s delayed London Marathon achieved the following race times Natalie Charman 04:52:48, Karen England 05:13:31, TV’s Simon Perkins 03:04:08, Crispin Scott 03:36:56, Gary ‘Big Slice’ Tomlinson 02:50:04 & Jaqueline Williamson 05:08:10
  • On Sunday 10th October 34 Horsham Joggers competed in the Worthing 10k which is one of the largest mass participation running events in the South, welcoming runners of all abilities to a flat coastal route. Race times Lee Jestico (third place!) 00:34:55, Hadley O`Dwyer 00:38:03, Pete O`Connell 00:38:39, Andrew Puttick 00:39:05, Luke Minogue 00:39:28, Finlay Burchett, 00:39:37, Nick Street 00:40:52, Matt Cooper 00:42:58, Malcolm Footer 00:43:09, John Crayford 00:44:45, Steve Tucker 00:45:01, Mark Hawthorne 00:45:48, Miranda Huisman 00:45:54, Ian Bradbury 00:45:49, Gary Tomlinson 00:49:43, Daniel Price 00:49:36, Jo Tomlinson 00:49:43, Penny Barron 00:49:58, Richard Barron 00:53:18, Frankie Bailey 00:55:55, Emma Hodges 00:57:05, Geoff Fisher 00:57:59, Sharon Burchett 00:57:55, Gary Burchett 00:57:55, Ian Bunch 00:58:33, Sue Zanin 00:58:27, Chris Garner 01:00:00, Claire Butler 01:01:08, Natalie Reynolds 01:03:49, Jane Footer 01:04:39, James Munden 01:06:23, Ian Hines 01:12:20, Mick Duplock 01:18:23 & Crispin Scott 01:18:24
  • The Downslink Ultra on the 10th October was a 38 mile Ultra point to point race from St Martha’s Hill, Surrey to Shoreham- by-Sea, West Sussex using the Downslink footpath and bridleway. Nine Horsham Joggers completed: Charlie Carter 06:01:31, Dominic Wakefield 06:09:41, Russell Kemp 06:14:57, Chris Yeomans 06:26:30, Nick Broom 06:28:13. Tim Hampson, 07:31:43, Mark Gibson 07:33:14, Ian Moore 07:34:44 & Paul Chantler 07:45:22
  • Bacchus Half is an undulating (with one significant hill) and multi-terrain with a bias towards road. Half of the course is inside the beautiful Denbies Wine Estate, the other half passes through National Trust countryside and woodland  along the Pilgrims Way and North Downs Way. It is a demanding route but also a beautiful one offering breath-taking views over the Mole Valley, Ranmore Common and the North Downs. Linzi Williams 04:15:46, Helen Morgan 04:15:45 & Jo Bull 04:15:45
  • Caroline Bransden was representing for HJ at the Oxford Half this month with a time of 02:21:07.
  • We had a good crowd at the Great South Run,a flat 10-miler with over 16,000 runners in Portsmouth on Sunday 17th October. Raff Vitale 01:07:59, Michael Snook 01:10:56, Ben Casey 01:15:24, Mike Hibberd 01:15:24, Russ Kemp, 01:15:24, Guy Gilder 01:25:43, Nigel Blackbee 01:29:00, Vicky Holliday 01:29:16, Martyn Newton 01:29:18, Martin Allen 01:30:00, Matthew Horne, 01:33:04, Lee McGeean 01:35:14, Amanda Sullivan 01:39:57, Mark Wilmot 01:40:54,Natalie Charman 01:42:57, Sue Newman 01:43:12, John Berry 01:44:37, Natalie Buckman 01:53:47, Pat Radley 01:56:02, Tracey Martin 01:56:42, Ian dickson 01:58:02, Alison Boulton 02:05:30, Edna Clark 02:07:33, jane adams 02:07:37,

Claire Tilson 02:12:21, Michelle Worsey 02:12:21, Susie Milbank 02:13:27

  • Some great results from Brighton Half: Paul Davis 01:23:59, Rebecca Gattinesi 01:54:00, Richard Shergold 01:57:30, Andy Jefford, 02:25:01

Upcoming Events

And there’s more…

27 OCT 19:00 – 20:00

Hands On Sports Therapy – Tony Schofield talk – HJ event

3 NOV 19:00 – 21:00

HJ Committee Meeting


Maverick Frontier South Downs


Beckley 10K


HJ Winter Handicap

18:30 – 20:00

Horsham Sports Club

19 NOV

19:00 – 21:30

HJ Quiz Night

Horsham Sports Club

Huge thanks, as always, to Mike Hibberd for another entertaining news round-up!


Run and Talk – or Just Talk

I don’t know about you but, if I’m injured and out of action, I find it quite difficult to look at Strava, or the HJ Facebook page. The frustration at being unable to run is heightened by the sight of all those miles being logged by my fellow runners. This came up in discussion on Sunday just past when the HJ mental health champions met at Horsham Park as part of the ongoing effort to showcase the club as a welcome environment for everyone, regardless of ability. 

It’s fair to say that this hour-long experience forced us to confront any tendency to self-consciousness. When you’re doing drills that make you look like socially distanced morris dancers, and members of the public (and indeed members of Horsham Joggers) are pointing and staring at you in open puzzlement, you can’t let it bother you. 

Only one person who wasn’t already a member turned up, which was fewer than was hoped for but possibly more than expected. All power to the young lady, who joined in with a smile, and expressed genuine gratitude at the end of the session. Not long arrived in Horsham from Brazil she was looking for a way to meet people and get back into exercise. It was worth everyone being there to be able to extend a welcome. 

It prompted a chat about the social lifeline that running with a club can provide – and the fact that this lifeline is required even (and possibly especially) when people are injured and unable to participate. So it’s important to flag that the first Tuesday of every month, which is designated for a Run and Talk get-together at The Bridge leisure centre, is open to all members even if you’re sidelined for a while. 

Come down and have a warm drink anyway and chat to your fellow Joggers. Everyone knows what it’s like to be out of action. You can explain and complain, they can offer tea and sympathy.

We can call it a ‘Whingery Clinic’

Talk, Talk – Life’s What You Make It

We have two slightly more structured talking events coming up, while we’re about it.

On 27th October, and related to what we’ve just been discussing, Tony Schofield of Hands On Sports Therapy will be giving a talk on common running injuries, looking at both prevention and treatment. Look out for the details coming soon (and check out his article below…). 

The second talk might be subtitled ‘Butter Wouldn’t Melt’. Endurance athlete Nick Butter, who has become the first person to run a marathon in every country in the world – and there are 196 of them! – will be giving an exclusive talk to HJ members on Thursday October 7th. Nick is in the midst of his ‘Inspire Tour’ and can also share stories of another recent feat – completing 200 marathons in 128 days running round the coast of Britain.

To reserve your free place, use the booking link below.

Time: 18:15 for 18:30 start

Venue: Horsham Sports Club, Cricket Field Rd, Horsham RH12 1TE

First come first served and numbers will be limited.

Join The Guides

Now, here’s a worthwhile opportunity. England Athletics are delivering a number of Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running workshops across the country over the next three months, designed to enable people to support visually impaired (VI) runners by acting as a guide runner and promoting VI-friendly athletics and running opportunities. There is a cost associated, but it could be borne by the club if any members are interested. While there are currently no courses scheduled locally the club may also consider paying travel and accommodation costs, depending on demand. 

A Bridge Too Far

It has been noted that some members would like to see a little more variety in terms of club run starting times and locations. So on the third Tuesday of every month the Run Leaders are going to post their planned sessions to the Facebook group and on other social sites. Session details will include pace, start-time, and meeting point. It is possible that mixing things up in this way will reveal where all the Run Leaders live. 

Well I’ll be dog gone

We have had some enquiries recently about bringing dogs and buggies (presumably containing children, but possibly also containing dogs) along to organized HJ events. Sadly we are not able to accommodate this, unless specifically stated (for example, if an event were designated ‘canine cross’). 

This is partly due to insurance reasons and partly to do with the fact that we are trying to mitigate against some frustrating Google search confusion with Horsham Doggers – an unrelated organization but one which, somewhat unhelpfully, is also understood to convene occasionally at The Bridge car park. 

It’s time for Swiss (Ball) Tony!

Thanks once again to Tony at Hands on Sports Therapy (based at The Bridge) for supplying another excellent piece on running health!

Hi everyone, in my first post last time around I briefly spoke about how we can pick up niggles and injuries and the relationship between `Load` and `Capacity`. One of the ways to help reduce this was to go through some simple strengthening exercises.

Strengthening is such an important part in anyone’s training, it has the potential

to reduce your injury risk by correcting muscle imbalances and improving muscle

activation, as well as increasing the efficiency of your running biomechanics which

results in improved running performance.

Now, quite often when I advise someone to go through some strengthening they

immediately think they’re going to have to join a gym or go out and buy some

special equipment. But this simply isn’t the case, you just need a bit of guidance.

So how often should we be doing something? I would say if you can manage to

find 30 minutes 2-3 times a week it’s a great starting point and you will see some

positive benefits. For those runners out there that run 5-6 times a week I often get

asked how can they fit these extra sessions in? Even if you can find time for one

session each week it’s better than not doing anything at all. Now, this may be

controversial for some but if you are still struggling to fit a strength session in, then

in my opinion, you will get more benefit from dropping a run to put that strength

session in!

Here are my best exercises for runners.

1. Calf Raise

You can progress this by completing single leg rather than both at the same time. You can also do this with a slight bend to the knee to engage your Soleus muscle.If you wanted to add some further load then hold onto something or put a rucksack on with a few heavy books in, anything really to make yourself heavier! calf-raises-1.jpg

2. Single Leg Bridge

Ensure you squeeze your buttocks throughout the movement and push through your heel to lift up. If this is a struggle then complete initially on both feet and work up to a single leg movement. To get your Core muscles working try folding your arms across your chest rather than on the floor as shown in the picture.skimble-workout-trainer-exercise-one-leg-floor-bridge-bent-2_iphone.jpg

3. Bird Dog

Tighten up your abdominals for this one and try to keep the body as still as you can not allowing the balance to sway left and right. If you master this then try to make small circles with yourBird-Dog_Exercise.jpg

hands and feet while in the outstretched position.

4. Crab Walk

Sit yourself down into a ¼ squat position but don’t let the knees come forwards, instead stick your bum back. While maintaining this position step as wide as you can to one side. Make sure you don’t scuff or slide your feet when steeping and try to maintain that squat position. You’ll definitely feel it in the glutes!Blog_Resistance_Bands_Walk.jpg

5. Resisted Hip Extension

Bend the knee on the standing leg a little more than is shown on the picture. The moving leg

should be extended backwards but also out to the side, at a 45 degree angle.

6. Goblet Squat

Keep your weight to your mid foot or heel rather than on the ball of your foot. Try to sit down onto an imaginary chair without allowing your knees to come too far forward and maintaining an upright body position. You don’t need a dumbbell/kettlebell, you can use a bag of spuds or similar!goblet-squat.jpg

7. Single Leg Squat with Isometric Hip Abduction

Ready to work hard on this one?! With the ball placed in position gently apply pressure with your bent leg into the ball, this creates an isometric contraction and you should feel it in the outer Glute. Once you feel this sit down on the standing leg maintaining weight through the heel not allowing your knee to travel too far forward. Also make sure your standing leg doesn’t drop inwards. Single+leg+ball+squats+.jpeg

The above exercises are my personal favourites that I give out as rehab to help runners strengthen. They’re not a one size fits all so if you give these a try and – if you feel any issues – then stop and get in touch. If you’re struggling with pain or injury prior to doing any of these then please don’t attempt these in the hope it will make you better, get things looked at properly by a professional. I would always recommend starting the exercises with 6 repetitions over 2 sets and gradually build up to a maximum of 10-12 reps x 3 sets.

Give them a go and let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading,


Hands On Sports Therapy


Thanks as always to Chris for compiling the results. Please note it was not possible to sort the Brighton Half and Marathon results according to club so we could not be sure to identify everyone. So congratulations to everyone who took part in Brighton – particularly in the longer race which, technically, surely qualified as an Ultra Marathon this year. Let’s hope they have enough money in the pot for a new trundle wheel. 

  • 14 Horsham Joggers attended the Littlehampton 10k in early September. Starting along the promenade the run takes in central Littlehampton and residential Rustington before a stunning seafront finish near the iconic East Beach Cafe. Chip Times: Stephen Entecott 00:52:33, Barnaby Smith 01:29:41, Jane Footer 01:07:36, Warren Marks 00:50:03, Kath Barnes 01:03:52, Penny Sanders , Lee Jestico 00:36: 05, Lisa Jestico 00:57:29, Debby Scull 01:22:48, Ian Hines 01:27:22, Andrew Puttick 00:39:53, Michelle Hepple-Haines 00:50:05 , Emma Chapman 00:58:46 & Tracey Jones 01:08:48
  •  12 Horsham Joggers attended the Arundel 10k run. Starting in Arundel Park, the route enters the grounds of Arundel Castle via the St Marys Gate and then exits over the drawbridge into the park for the finish and combines a mixture of tarmac and grass track. Runners chip times David Jones 00:42:39, Louise Johnson 01:00:47, Lorraine Hunter 01:04:27, Chris Wigby 00:44:11, Alan Pettitt 00:48:53, Sue Hensman 01:09:48, Andy Jefford 01:01:58, Christine Velarde 01:10:58, Claire Tilson 01:12:49, Karl Anderson 01:03:26, Linda Morris 01:44:44 & Jane Adams 01:16:31
  • James Tombs and Chris Yeomans attended Marks 200th Marathon on the Highdown hill by Sussex Trail events to complete 10 loops with over 3000 ft of elevation. Watch times: James Tombs 04:09:34 & Chris Yeomans 04:31:37.
  • The Rye Ancient Trails race took place on Sunday, September 12th 2021. This scenic and challenging 30km multi-terrain race starts and finishes in the medieval town of Rye, East Sussex. The single-lap route winds its way through ancient woodland, orchards and farmland on trails, footpaths and quiet country lanes, linking the Norman churches of Rye, Iden, Beckley, Northiam and Peasmarsh – a true steeplechase! 30k: Ian Wilcox 03:47:57 & Rob Jochimsen 03:55:57. 15:k Julie Jochimsen 01:50:13

ED Whilst we try to include as many of you as possible in the results round-up, we will not always capture everyone. If you would like a mention, or know someone who should be recognised for their running achievements, please do let us know!

Also, huge thanks to Roger Johnson for organising a fantastic Horsham Round on August Bank Holiday Monday, and well done to everyone who ran or supported. It was great to see so many HJers together in one place again! We hope you enjoyed the day, and the fantastic food afterwards.



HJ Committee Meeting


Chichester Half Marathon

Heron Way 10k

London Marathon

South of England Athletic Association AGM (papers available, contact club)


1800 – 1900 

England Athletics pre-AGM Board webinar

Details here


Brighton Half Marathon

Guildford 10k

Downslink Ultra


Great South Run


England Athletics AGM

ED: in the last newsletter you would have hopefully read about our inaugural Tony Johnson Award, which was presented to Steve Wright after his efforts for Team HJ during the South Downs Way Relay back in July.

Steve was honoured to receive the award and to keep Tony’s memory alive at an event that he loved.

Steve is pictured below with team captain Paul Davis.

Big thanks also to Paul Aylett for his superb craftsmanship in making the fantastic trophy.

Thank you as always to Mike Hibberd for another great news round-up!

If there is anything you would like featured in the next newsletter, or a special mention for someone, please drop us a line!


Uh-oh… It’s Friday the 13th!!

Clandestine meetings. Arcane rituals. The blooding of tender new recruits. All on the most cursed of nights. That’s right, it’s the Horsham Joggers Annual General Meeting! New disciples Julie Jochimsen and Lee Jestico, plus incoming Overlord Paul Morley, will enjoy their initiation ceremonies. Meanwhile Stephen Entecott and Margaret Wadman will be released from their bonds with thanks for all their hard work and bid never to speak of the macabre events to which they have borne witness.  

Afterwards there will be a human sacrifice social event at Horsham Cricket Club, which starts at 8pm. You don’t have to go to the AGM to attend the social, and capacity is limited to 100 people. You’re encouraged to bring a plus one if you’d like and it’s a great chance to meet the new chairman and get him to buy you a drink! Please let us know if you would like to attend!

We Shall Endure

There is more than a hint of masochism to running as an activity of leisure. For some reason we enjoy making ourselves wince and suffer. There are times when it seems we measure our pleasure in units of pain. And times, too, when the enjoyment exists almost entirely in the experience of having finished. Wasn’t that just the most fun, we tell ourselves as we pay the physio or hobble up a flight of stairs. 

There must have been some deep digging by the HJ representatives taking part in the rescheduled Endure 24 event in July. Two teams of six competed in the event which requires participants to take turns to run a five mile loop constantly for 24 hours. 

The ‘Run Now, Beers Later’ team, featuring Hadley O’Dwyer, Luke Minogue, Harry Wilcox, Trevor Barret, Simon Mills, and Tom Rob logged a whopping 185 miles, bagging fourth place overall in the process. Meanwhile the ‘Not Enough E’s’ team (naming explanation required…) of Philip Liberman, Claire Miller, Thomas Jack Ikin, Ryan Moorey, Richard Speller, and Michael Saunders covered a highly impressive 140 miles. 

In a similar vein we had a team at the South Downs Way Relay, the 100 mile race where teams of six run three legs apiece across the somewhat undulating footpath. On that one I can speak from experience. It’s brutal. Dom Wakefield, Paul Davis, Russ Kemp, Derry Jarvis, Andrew Wright, and Steve Wright completed the course in 13 hours and two seconds, which is great running. 

Congratulations to all of you. 

And the winner is…

And on the subject of those who shall endure, the SDW Relay was chosen by the club as the focus of the inaugural Tony Johnson memorial award. The award, hand crafted by our own Paul Aylett in Tony’s memory, is to be presented to the team member who demonstrates standout performance, determination, and perseverance – all attributes that Tony possessed in spades and demonstrated countless times on the Downs. 

In an event that requires these characteristics from all participants it will always be a tough call. This year the award went to Steve Wright, who put in some fantastic times. Congratulations, Steve, on being the first recipient of this special award.

In the heat of the night

Staying with the South Downs, Chris Yeomans and Alan Pettitt went out under the stars in the Midnight Marathon. The race starts at Queen Elizabeth Country Park and wends its way across the Downs with a full moon and clear night affording beautiful views of the surrounding villages and a stream of twinkling head torches. Chris finished in 04:48:41 and Alan in 05:31:12. Well done chaps.

Additionally, Alan completed the Serpent Trail 100k in 14:16:32, taking first place in his age group. Good man. 

And there’s more

On 10th July Victoria Saunders completed the Race to the Stones 50K, her first 50k and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the fantastic scenery on the Berkshire/Oxfordshire Ridgeway trail. Race time 07:49:49.

On the same day six Horsham Joggers competed in the Humanity Direct Chiltern Challenge, a 50km looped route covering some of the best of the Chilterns countryside. Race times Matt Whyman 05:51:16, Alan Pettitt 05:51:17, Brian Frost 06:03:30, Helen Woods 06:43:54, Emma Whyman 07:48:20 & Ethel Whyman 07:48:23.

Twenty Horsham Joggers competed in the Run Wisborough 10k & 5k event at Wisborough Green. For the 5K we had Dean Angell 00:19:04 4th place, Jo Tomlinson 00:26:34, Andy Jefford 00:30:20, Ian Bunch 00:31:22, Jane Footer 00:32:08, Lorraine Hunter 00:32:29, Diane Berry 00:32:29, Libby Allen 00:33:32, Coral Kennedy 00:35:43 & Margaret Wadman 00:36:31

For the 10k we had Gary Tomlinson 00:36:57 4th place, Andrew Puttick 00:41:53, David Malins 00:43:20, Gareth Sear 00:43:55, Michael Catlow, 00:44:06, Harry Wilcox 00:44:17, Andi Marfleet 00:44:59, Simon Holmes 00:47:24, Bharat Pancal 00:47:46 & Rachel Hamson 00:47:51.

Summer Handicap

Well done to the 60 HJers who took and big thanks to Phil and his helpers for organising a great evening. It was fantastic to have so many members back together again after so long.

It was really close near the end as the stagger unwound, with Anita Mazlo crossing the line to become our new champ followed by Jo Tomlinson and Rob Shapland. Well done to all who participated, helped or watched.

Healing Hands

Now, remember those people we have to go and see when we’ve been enjoying ourselves too much? Here’s the first of a new regular item from one of them. Over to you, Tony:

Hello everyone! For those fortunate enough to not have needed to come and see

me, my name is Tony. I own and operate Hands On Sports Therapy & Injury Clinic

based out of The Bridge Leisure Centre in Broadbridge Heath. 

For a long time now we have had a link with Horsham Joggers offering a discount on our services and support to the club whenever required. I have recently been asked by your

committee to contribute a regular slot in your newsletter with a view to give some helpful advice and tips on all things injury related. If there were any particular subject areas you would like me to address or if you have any burning questions that I can answer then please drop me an email,

So, I thought for my first entry I would address one of the main reasons why you

pick up all those little annoying niggles. If not dealt with they can then develop into injuries that potentially could stop you from your normal exercise regime. Now, unless you have tripped, slipped or done something else to yourself, one of the main reasons for picking up a niggle is the good old `too much, too soon` scenario. 

We’ve all been there! This seems particularly relevant as COVID restrictions are easing and you are allowed to get back to some of your normal activities so you;ve got a little bit carried away! It would LoadVsCapacity.jpgalso be very relevant to all of those who have been working from since early 2020, as it’s not just about doing too much but also not doing enough! 

I like to describe this to my patients in a simple bar chart. On one side we have the amount of work you are asking your body to perform (eg running frequency, distance, gym sessions etc) and on the other how much your body can cope with. To keep it simple, let’s call this Load Vs Capacity. We ideally

want these two bars to be relatively close together.

When you increase your training volume, let’s say you’re training for a big race, you want to increase the load gradually so it gives your body time to adapt and then increase your capacity.

I’m sure you have all heard about the 10% rule when increasing distance? If you increase LoadVsCapacity1.jpgyour load quite dramatically without giving your body a chance to adapt, for example if you suddenly increase your running distance from 10 miles to 20 miles, then you can create an increased risk of over loading your soft tissues (muscles, tendons etc) and picking up any niggles or injury.

LoadVsCapacity2.jpgHowever, the same is also true if you are not as active as you have been in the past then your capacity can go down. As mentioned before this would be particularly relevant for those working from home and finding they are being a lot more sedentary than when they travelled into the office. This can also be the case if you are recovering from another injury or a period of being unwell, your capacity will drop creating a larger distance on the Load Vs Capacity and increasing your risk or picking something up.

So, what can you do to maintain this similar Load Vs Capacity?

  • Ensure that any increase to your training volume is gradual so you give your

body a chance to adapt and tolerate the increased load.

  • Be mindful that when coming back from a period of being unwell or if you

have taken a break that you can’t go back to where you left things


  • Start to go through some simple strength based exercises as this will help

to increase the body’s capacity to tolerate load changes.

  • Make sure you’re allowing time to recover following intense training.

If you have any specific questions or thoughts on this then just get in touch.

Thanks for reading,

Tony, Hands On Sports Therapy.

Horsham Round & Social

Another HJ classic is slated for the August bank holiday weekend. So if you want to get a team together, or even run it on your own, then please let Roger Johnson know at

Pacers needed for Barns Green

The search is still on for pacers at the Barns Green Half and 10k. For the 10k pacers are needed for 45 mins, 50 mins, 55 mins and 60 mins. For the half, 1:30 and 1:35. If you’re interested, get in touch with Jason Walker at 

Upcoming Events


19:00 – 20:00



David Lloyd Ultra & Relay


19:00 – 21:00

HJ Committee Meeting


Horsham Round


Sussex Affiliation Due


Littlehampton 10k


Horsham Riverside Walk


Brighton Marathon

Huge thanks to Mike Hibberd for another great round-up. Remember, if there’s anything you would like us to feature in HJ News, please drop us a line!


Codes of Conduct

As “breaking social distancing guidelines” looks set to replace “Netflix and chill” in the Officially Ordered Euphemism Rankings (“oo-er” for short) it seems an opportune moment to turn to matters of public conduct. 

Not for Horsham Joggers the murk and sleaze of Whitehall. Not for us the chumocracy, entitlement, and favours of our Old Etonian masters. We strive for better. (Although a 50% discount at Wakefield’s the Jewellers wouldn’t go amiss. Just sayin’.) 

Anyway, as we look to uphold the highest standards of behaviour, we are in need of someone to oversee our activities. The club needs a Welfare Officer, who would be responsible for ensuring that Horsham Joggers is operating within the England Athletics Safeguarding Code of Conduct. It’s an important role and, if you want to know what the Code looks like, you can read about it here.  

Training and support will be provided to whoever fills the role and you should get in touch at if you would like to put yourself forward. 

Delay of the Land

Now it wouldn’t be a Horsham Joggers newsletter these days without news of another delay to resumption of full activities. Following the latest guidance we are now looking at bringing the Tuesday night club runs back into service on July 20th. This is a provisional date, of course, and is dependent on further updates from Sajid Javid, who has timed his arrival at DHSC to absolute perfection to become the person who gets to lift the restrictions. No doubt he is busy putting Post-It notes over all the cameras in his office right now. 

A Star is Born

Now, while some people get unwittingly caught on camera, some people were just plain born to it. Our own Mark Aylmore was recently on Horsham TV (yes! It’s a thing) talking about the work of the HJ Mental Health Champions and the #RunAndTalk initiative. At the end of May we spent a Saturday morning in the park to promote the initiative, and it was great to see so many HJs stopping by to lend their support. Meanwhile, Mark took to the airwaves to explain it all to a wider audience. You can watch it here.

Please don’t be put off by the description of the show as: “It’s all about jogging, talking, drinking and getting naked this week on Horsham.TV”. That is absolutely not what happens during Mark’s interview. But don’t let that stop you watching it. 

Summer Handicap

A provisional date of July 27th has been set for the Summer Handicap. Phil Liberman has stepped up to organise the event and he’ll get by with a little help from his friends. So if you’re interested in lending a hand to make this great event happen, drop us a line. 

Horsham Round & Social

Another HJ classic is slated for the August bank holiday weekend. So if you want to get a team together, or even run it on your own, then please let Roger Johnson know at

Pacers needed for Barns Green

If you’re interested, get in touch at 

It all works out in the long run

There’s been a lot of crazy distance running since last we published, so here’s a bit of a round up:

Three Horsham Joggers competed in the Sussex Trail Events Marathon Madness it’s an opportunity to run 5 in 5 or 3 in 3 marathons in the evening with a Half Marathon option, 3 footpath and 2 trail

Chris Yeomans competed in the 5 in 5 marathons starting on Monday 21st and ending on Friday 25th with Matt Whyman and Emma Walters in the 3 in 3 Half Marathons.

Day One:  Worthing Promenade Marathon starting at Splash point and running the Worthing parkrun route, r3.28 miles west along the promenade and back 8 times.

Chris Yeomans 04:11:05

Day Two: Goring Marathon starting at Sea Lane café, Marine Crescent, runners will head east towards Worthing and return 10 times

Chris Yeomans 04:24:51

Day Three: Highdown Hill Trail Marathon starting from the Highdown Hill car park and use a circular route around the hill 10 times

Chris Yeomans 05:03:18, Half Marathon Matt Whyman 02:03:33, Emma Walters 02:06:24

Day Four: The River Arun Marathon starting from the Shoreham toll bridge up the river and back down the downslink.

Chris Yeomans 04:29:15, Half Marathon Matt Whyman 01:54:56, Emma Walters 01:54:55

Day Five Widewater Marathon starting at the car park the runners will head towards the Lancing Green beach and then return 8 times.

Chris Yeomans 04:12:03, Half Marathon Matt Whyman 01:50:19 Emma Walters 01:51:01

On Saturday 29th May 10 Horsham Joggers competed in the Devils Lite – a “there and back” ultra-marathon starting and finishing at Steyning Grammar School. The route heads east through the stunning South Downs National Park to Clayton Village Hall and then turns back west.

James Tombs 05:40:15, Chris Yeomans 05:57:38, Emma Waters 06:03:47, Ian Moore 3rd in best of age 06:18:28, Philip Liberman 06:41:17, Andy Robins 07:28:34, Victoria Robins 07:28:37, Paul Burgess 07:58:39, Theresa Adams 09:20:09 & Jacqui Williamson 09:20:11

Michael Saunders competed in the London to Brighton 100km challenge which started at the Old deer park in Richmond-Upon-Thames, then headed over the North Downs with wonderful Surrey & Sussex countryside to half way at Turners Hill. The route heads over the South Downs before the welcome sight of the Brighton coastline comes into view. Michael’s race time was 21:40:17

On the 22nd May James Tombs competed in the North Downs Way. The race begins in Farnham at the western end of the North Downs, travelling past Puttenham and Guildford following the North Downs Way National Trail. The course then continues on to Ranmore Common before the steepest climb of the race up to the top of Box Hill. Then trail then drops down the other side and back up to Reigate Hill, on through Merstham to Oxted and a further 8 miles to Knockholt Pound and the 50 mile finish. James came in at 08:45:01.

On the 23rd May four Horsham Joggers competed in The Three Forts Challenge, known as “The Tough One”. The Three Forts Marathon (approximately 27.2 miles) includes a total of c. 3450 ft of climb with stiles and rough tracks underfoot. The route runs northwards from Hill Barn to Cissbury Ring, then eastwards towards Coombs then to Botolphs and the River Adur crossing. The route then goes to Devil’s Dyke and back to the River Adur. It continues on the South Downs Way to Chanctonbury Ring, where it swings south-west to Findon Park Farm. It stays on public bridleways to Cissbury Ring and back to Hill Barn. Marathon Finish times Chris Yeomans 05:01:17 & Rob Jochimsen 05:40:22, Half Marathon Finish Times Euan Ramage 01:58:10 & Elisabeth Scott 02:14:47

(ED: Anyone else starting to think that Chris Yeomans needs his own newsletter?!)

Race to the King is an award winning historical trail which starts from Goodwood racecourse then winds along the spectacular South Downs Way, ending on the steps of Winchester Cathedral, one of the most historical significant buildings in Britain and the claimed burial ground of twelve English Kings. A number of Horsham Joggers competed in the non-stop event, covering a distance of 53.6 miles: Dom Wakefield 09:43:21, Paul Davis 10:11:13, Geri Smith 11:27:02, Ethel Whyman 13:04:30 & Robert Swan 16:55:04. And we had three in the Sunday event, a distance of 30.2 miles: Simon Rhodes 06:29:20, Andy Robins 06:29:22 & Victoria Robins.

Well done to all of you crazy people!!

Upcoming Events

If you would like to participate in either the Brighton Marathon or the 10k as a Horsham Jogger, please email the following asap:

  • Firstname and surname
  • the distance that you would like to run (marathon or 10k) and 
  • your email address (if different to the one you are using)

Please note that if we have more interests than the 10 club places available for each of the events, then the committee will prioritize those who have volunteered in the past and a ballot will be drawn from the remaining applicants for the unallocated places. 

If you are successful in obtaining a club place, you must enter as a Horsham Jogger, and wear an HJ vest / t-shirt as you will be representing the club.  You will be sent a link by the event organiser to register and pay directly to them.  The price is £75 for the marathon and £35 for the 10k.

To be eligible for the ballot mentioned above, for either of the events on 12 September, you must meet the following criteria: 

  • You are a first claim member – that means that HJ is the only (or the first) club you registered with
  • You have been a continuous paid-up member of HJ for at least a year at the time of the 


Focus 10k at Borde Hill

Wisborough Green 10k and 5k

10 JUL

Maverick East Sussex Races 2021

18 JUL

Caterham Rotary Half Marathon & 10k

21 JUL 19:00 – 21:00

HJ Committee Meeting

24 JUL

South Downs Way 100 Relay

Horsham parkrun restarts (hopefully)

27 JUL, TUE Evening

HJ Summer Handicap

Our thanks, as always, to Mike Hibberd for another fantastic news round-up!

HJ News – 19th MAY 2021

Round, Round, Get Around

Nothing says Bank Holiday weekend like the Horsham Round (apart, perhaps, from pouring rain). The Round is back again in 2021, and we are targeting BH Monday – August 30th. To keep things manageable this year we are going to limit entries to HJ members, and we hope to be able to open it up to other clubs again in 2022. 

It’s a great team event (you’ll need to appoint a captain to liaise with the organisation team) and, of course you can do it solo if you fancy. 

As we’ve done in previous years (and restrictions permitting) we’d like to have an informal social in the park afterwards, so plan to stick around and perhaps bring some refreshments. 

There may be a shout going out for volunteers to recce the legs ahead of the event, just to make sure that our course instructions are up to date. Keep your eyes peeled if you’re interested!

As noted, you can’t do the Round if you’re not an HJ member. There are apparently 123 of you who have not yet renewed your membership. Please be aware that, from June 1st, renewal will once again incur an additional joining fee. 

Also planned for some time in July or August – date to be decided – is the annual Summer Handicap. More to follow…

Walk the walk

Back for 2021 as well is the annual Riverside Walk, planned for September 11th. It’s a 13-mile route, there’s no charge, it’s just for fun, and it’s open to walkers and runners of all ages.

Find out more about it here:

But we can’t have it all

While the Round looks to be going ahead, we’re sad to say that we will be unable to stage the Horsham 10k this year. A big disappointment but let’s look forward to bringing it back with a bang in 2022 (provisional date is 22nd May 2022).

Tuesdays and Thursdays

It’s great to see so many of you getting back into our Tuesday evening runs, and we’re loving all the pictures you’re posting to the forum. While group leaders have the option now to increase their group size to a maximum of 12 joggers if they feel comfortable doing so, we must continue using the booking system until at least June 21st, when hopefully restrictions will be lifted as planned and we can get back to normal the following day. A lot of hard work continues in the background to enable this system to work as well as it does, so thanks to all involved. 

The Thursday Track and HIIT sessions have been a great success since returning and we’re delighted to see people trying it out for the first time. It really is for everyone. Thanks to Lawrence Roy who has kindly been offering his services to run a coaching session at the track, alongside the regular club session. We are working hard to cover all bases and ensure there is something for everyone. The committee are also looking to add to the leaders and coaches among our membership.

RunAndTalk – Mark’s going on the TV!

We will be introducing monthly RunAndTalk Tuesday groups shortly, with the option for a chat and a tea or coffee afterwards for anyone who is interested. This is not only for members, so if you know anyone who might like to try it, please mention it to them.

The HJ Mental Health Champions will be holding a small event in the park to promote RunAndTalk on May 29th (from 10am). We have no idea what to expect! In addition, Mark Aylmore is being interviewed for Horsham TV to talk about the initiative. He’s busted out the Just For Men!

Friends with Benefits

No – not like that! We’re talking about all the friendly benefits you get from being a Horsham Jogger. There’s a section on the website now which details them, including a discount with Hands On Sports Therapy at The Bridge in BBH. 

What have you all been up to?

You’ve been out racing, that’s what! 

On Sunday 9th May 26 Horsham Joggers competed in the Jigsaw Run 10k, a fantastic opportunity to run along the main runway, perimeter road and track at Dunsfold Park near Cranleigh in Surrey home of Top Gear. Results as follows: 

Gary Tomlinson 00:35:23, Matt Mason 00:39:08, Trevor Barrett 00:40:01, Hadley O’Dwyer 00:40:55, Luke Minogue 00:41:12, Stuart Adesilu 00:41:21, Simon Perkins 00:41:49, Andrew Puttick 00:41:55. Michael Snook 00:42:39, Tom Robertson 00:42:45, Lea Quentin 00:42:46, Ian Dickinson 00:44:45, Jonathon Fengaras 00:46:54, Miranda Huisman 00:47:00, Baz Panchal 00:47:42, Stephen Tucker 00:48:17, Mark Hawthorne 00:49:02, Matthew Senior 00:50:27, Christopher Lee 00:50:51, Tony Hogben 00:51:03, James Hawthorne 00:55:01, Neil Clarke 00:55:02, Wendy Mason 00:56:19, Margreet Potter 00:59:19, Clare Gray 01:06:05 & Jane Footer 01:10:06

Preferring a slightly longer distance, Matt Whyman completed the Thames Way 100 Centurion this month, and he had this to say about it:

“Typically, the dry weather that marked much of spring broke on the morning of the 2021 Thames Path 100. This is a one hundred mile ultramarathon along the winding riverbank from London to Oxford. I crossed the starting mat in the pouring rain at 8.00am, trying not to think of the enormity of the undertaking ahead. With a 28hr time limit, and steep cut offs at each checkpoint, I joined 250 fellow runners on a unique journey through town and country with the waterway as a constant companion. 

“Endurance runs are always an adventure. Running through day and night, in the company of fellow competitors who become friends and even brothers in arms, it’s both a mental and physical challenge. There are high points and deep lows, but just a question of listening to your body, reminding yourself you’ve done all the preparation and then placing process over outcome every step of the way. 

“Ultras seem like a solitary sport but it isn’t possible without a support team. My wife and daughter worked tirelessly, moving from one crew point to the next to make sure I was fuelled and hydrated. At 75 miles, around 2am, HJ’s Emma Walters took up pacing duties. I didn’t think I was capable of a sub-24hr finish, which is the benchmark in 100 mile ultras, but she pushed me through those final hours to make it over the line in time. There, I was presented with the coveted buckle by another HJer, Steve Rooke, who was volunteering to earn his place for next year’s race. Run strong, Steve! It’s an unforgettable experience.”

Anyone else feel like a lie down after reading that?

Meanwhile, Claire Miller and Philip Liberman competed in the Brutal 5k on Saturday 15th May. The start and finish are on a slope in front of Holywell House, a beautiful setting in the Meon Valley, but it soon takes a turn for the worse. There’s mud, there’s waist-deep wading through water, there’s short, sharp hills, but they nailed it! Claire Miller 46:10 & Philip Liberman 46:08 (whatever happened to “after you, darling”?!).

Chris Yeomans combined long distances with short spaces, by competing in the Eastbourne Trackstar Marathon on Saturday 15th May, a challenging but fun (says Chris!) marathon on a standard 400m athletics track. That’s 105.5 laps – and if you lose count you have to start again!* Despite a first half marked by torrential rain and a second half battling a horrific head wind, Chris breezed in sub-four at 03:59:27.

Great work, everyone, and keep your chat and tales of track and trails coming in. 

*(not true)

Stay Safe

Now, do you run with a phone in case of emergency? Do you have ICE contacts loaded? It’s a good idea, especially if you’re heading out on the trails or the lanes. And if you don’t fancy that there are some other options you might want to consider like road tags which you can attach to your watch. A few ideas include the Sidekick ID For Fitbit + Garmin, ICE ID MyID Sleeve & IcetagsLUX ID Tag for Sport Watch.

Upcoming Events


Three Forts Marathon


HJ RunAndTalk in the Park

Devils Lite Ultra – Free Event – Steyning


Horsham – Brighton Run To The Sea Ultra


HJ Committee Meeting


Madehurst South Downs 5k and 10k


Brighton Half Marathon

North Downs Half Marathon & 10K – Denbies


South Downs Way 100 Relay


Focus 10k at Borde Hill

Wisborough Green 10k and 5k

Note – the Brighton events are now closed to general entries.  However, there is still an opportunity for you to enter as part of the club entry. If you would like to participate in either the Brighton Marathon or the 10k as a Horsham Jogger, please email the following before June 30th:

  • Firstname and surname
  • the distance that you would like to run (marathon or 10k) and 
  • your email address (if different to the one you are using)

Please note that if we have more interests than the 10 club places available for each of the events, then the committee will prioritize those who have volunteered in the past and a ballot will be drawn from the remaining applicants for the unallocated places. 

If you are successful in obtaining a club place, you must enter as a Horsham Jogger, and wear an HJ vest / t-shirt as you will be representing the club.  You will be sent a link by the event organiser to register and pay directly to them.  The price is £75 for the marathon and £35 for the 10k.

To be eligible for the ballot mentioned above, for either of the events on 12 September, you must meet the following criteria: 

  • You are a first claim member – that means that HJ is the only (or the first) club you registered with
  • You have been a continuous paid-up member of HJ for at least a year at the time of the application

And finally

A word from Emma Page of East Grinstead Runners, who are holding their popular annual River Relay event on Sunday, 5th September.

It’s a baton relay race run over five stages totalling 26 miles from Boveney to Kingston-upon-Thames, with all of the surplus funds received returned as payments to charities selected by the winning teams.

We will be in touch over the summer with more details and entry forms – but in the meantime please do save the date if you would be interested in entering a team or two or five!

The HJ Committee will next be meeting on Wednesday 16th June. If you have and questions or anything you would like us to discuss, please let us know.

Our thanks to Mike Hibberd for another great news round-up!


Cheap AND Cheerful

Question: What costs 2.74 pence and is really good for you? 

Answer: A day’s membership to your friendly neighbourhood Horsham Joggers. 

That’s value, right? Being part of the HJ community costs just £10 annually as prices have been frozen once more in light of all the restrictions. And it’s only £20 for a family membership! Renewals were due on April 1st this year and we do have a few stragglers off the back of the main pack who we don’t want recording a DNF (Did Not Finance). 

So, to avoid a serious roughing-up at the hands of the club treasurer, just go to the website, log in, choose ‘subscriptions’ from the Member Zone drop down menu and fork it over. 

Bosh. Simple as that. 

Changing Track

Now, before your correspondent joined Horsham Joggers, his favourite track involving a Nigel was this absolute banger from XTC. But in time it came to be supplanted by the Thursday evening track sessions at BBH. The warm up laps. The dynamic stretches. The sense of anticipation as the paper goes on the post. Will it be 6 X 800m or 8 x 600m? Or what about 20 x 200m sprints (tough, tough, tough)? Or the Pyramids (weirdly, my favourite)? 

While track has recently returned to the calendar, it has done so without the presence of Coach Nigel who is stepping down from the coaching duties he has been fulfilling since 2009. So a big shout out to Nigel for all the help he has given to people over the years. It has no doubt been an introduction to the club for many people. 

In the near term, track sessions will be self-coached. New coaches and perhaps a few tweaks will appear in time. One thing it is important that everyone understands is that track sessions are by no means the exclusive preserve of super fast runners. Everyone should feel encouraged to give it a go. While numbers remain controlled, capacity is being increased. So spread the word!

Which brings us to…

The rules as we emerge from lockdown are changing, but not quickly. For the foreseeable future we must continue with the booking system for Tuesday and Thursday nights to ensure we are operating in a ‘covid-safe’ environment, although this is is continually under review. In the meantime the Committee would like to thank all the run leaders who are stepping forward to take Tuesday groups, and all the people working extremely hard in the background to make any kind of activity possible.


We all hear often about the link between running (and exercise in general) and improved and maintained mental health so we’re pleased to announce that the first Tuesday of every month will feature dedicated Run and Talk groups. These are for anyone to join who fancies a bit of a chat or some friendly support for whatever reason. Paces can be varied to accommodate all comers and there’s the opportunity to have a warm drink and a continued conversation. As always, everyone is welcome. 

Meanwhile the HJ Run and Talk team is planning an event in Horsham Park on May 29th. Keep an eye out for more details nearer the time. 

Back in the race!

Races are back on and the Joggers are right in the mix. On April 5th, six members of Horsham Joggers took part in the PB5K, which is part of the Super-Fast winter race series at Ardingly Showground. There were 5 x 5k races setting of in waves a few seconds apart.

Honorable mentions to: Pete O’Connell 00:18:36 (1st M60), Stuart Adesilu 00:18:48, Steve Wright 00:18:50, Matt Cooper 00:19:04, Andrew Puttick 00:19:14, and Miranda Huisman 00:22:07

Five days later, five intrepid Joggers took part in the UK Sporting Events New Forest races. They were all held in a Covid secure environment and were well organised as they wound through the trails of the New Forest near Christchurch. 

In the half marathon event Philip Liberman was first Jogger home in 1.48.10, followed by Rob Jochimsen 1.58.12, Richard Cherriman 2.01.57, and Derek Buckman 2.02.01. In the 14K event Julie Jochimsen ran strongly to finish in 1.29.24.

On April 11th Chris Yeomans & Paul Burgess competed in The Kent Spring Marathon, a two lap marathon on an undulating course of quiet, wide lanes outside Ashford in Kent – plus a short section on the Pilgrims Way. Chris crossed the line at 03:53:47, while Paul clocked 04:56:25.

This weekend just past we had three HJers in the South Downs Way 50-mile race.  SDW50 starts in Worthing and finishes in Eastbourne. Runners start by negotiating six miles of chalk footpaths and bridleways, climbing up to join the south downs way at Chanctonbury ring. The remainder of the course is identical to the final 44 miles of the SDW100 and remains on the SDW until the final turn off – bringing runners out to the finish with a lap of the track at Eastbourne. Congratulations to James Tombs (08:46:25), Ian Moore (10:09:42), and Emma Whyman (12:09:41).

On the same day Geri Smith and Phyl Weston competed in the Hurtwood 50k, which starts in Dorking and follows the Greensand Way into the Surrey Hills. This is essentially an out and back, with a loop of the Greensand Way before starting the return journey. The undulating course takes you up and over Leith Hill, Holmbury Hill, and Pitch Hill on a well-marked, easy to follow trail through the woodlands, ridgeways and valleys of this area that is collectively known (perhaps appropriately) as The Hurtwood. Congratulations to Geri (06:37:41) & Phyl (07:06:36)

Great work everyone!

If you’d like a mention, please remember to send in any race photos or reports to

And there’s more to come…

If you want to get back in the race, then why not check out one of these:


Running GP at Goodwood 5k, 10k, HM, 20 miles, Full Marathon races


Mid-Sussex Virtual Half Marathon Wkd


Mid-Sussex Virtual Half Marathon Wkd


Mid-Sussex Virtual Half Marathon Wkd


Dunsfold Jigsaw Run 10k


Eastbourne Trackstar Marathon and Half


Three Forts Marathon

Something important to (SDW100) relay…  

South Downs Way Relay Saturday 3rd July 2021

With less than three months to go until the running of this great event we are still looking for two or three more members for our Vets squad.  If you like the sound of a superb day out, running three legs of the South Downs Way as part of a relay team, and getting chauffeured between stops in the team bus with all the fun and camaraderie that goes with it, please drop me a line at You won’t regret it.  You will need to be confident of running at or under an 8:30 per mile pace over hilly terrain and a total of 15 to 18 miles over the whole day.  Don’t let those numbers put you off it really is the best running event of the year. We could also do with a driver so if any former participants familiar with the fun would like to step forward you will be welcomed.

And Finally…

The AGM this year is booked for August 13th. More information is coming down the road. 

Stay safe, keep logging those miles, and enjoy your running, everyone!

The HJ Committee will next be meeting on Wednesday 12th May, if you have any questions, or anything you would like us to discuss, please let us know.

Our thanks to Mike Hibberd for another great news round-up!

HJ NEWS! – 13TH MARCH 2021

The Finish Line’s In Sight

As we all know, there’s nothing quite like that feeling you get when the finish line comes into view. From an ultramarathon (presumably!) all the way down to a Parkrun when a PB’s in the offing, the sight of the finish unlocks that last little reserve of endurance and energy which you trade for the imminent reward of completion.

And so it is with Lockdown. 

At last week’s HJ committee meeting the return to HJ activities was top of the list for discussion. Government guidelines allow for groups of six people to gather outside from March 29 which, so the HJ Tuesday runs will resume the very next day. They’ll be limited to six people (one leader and five in the pack) and there will be an online booking system in place. More details to come on the booking protocols, and booking will open on Sunday March 28th. Expect it to be like trying to get tickets for Glastonbury. 100 open browser tabs at the ready! 

No word on track sessions or long Sunday runs just yet but expect an update in the coming weeks.  

Say what, now?

Here’s some information on the AGM which will be enjoyed by any fans of Joseph Heller’s ‘Catch 22’. 

Rule 10 of the HJ Club provides that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) “shall be held during the month of April”.  During unprecedented times, the AGM in 2020 was held virtually on 30 September.  Rather than hold a virtual meeting next month, as per Rule 10, the Committee decided at their last meeting to postpone the 2021 AGM to later this year, when we are likely to be able to meet up and socialise together.  Depending on the availability of the Horsham Sports & Cricket Club, the plan is to hold the 2021 AGM in August.  You will, of course, be given 21 days’ notice of the meeting date once confirmed, pursuant to the rules!

Breaking our own Rule 10 for two consecutive years strongly suggests the need to make this rule more flexible.  Rule 13 provides that “no alteration or addition may be made to the Rules except by an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose.”  The Committee propose to amend Rule 10, for voting at the next AGM, such that it provides some flexibility, to deal with unforeseen circumstances. 

“An AGM shall be held during the month of April every year…”

will be amended to

“An AGM shall be held every year, in April unless the Committee decide to postpone for good reason(s) to a later month…”  

Pay up – or else…

It’s that time again, peeps. HJ Membership renewal for 2021/2022 is due on April 1st. As we have frozen membership fees this year at £10.00 / individual, and £20 / family, your HJ membership fees remain the best value spend you can possibly make. 

England Athletics have also frozen their membership for 2021/2022 at £15.00.

The easiest way to renew your membership is via the memberzone which can be found on the HJ website.

Quizzy Rascals, Quiz Team Aguilera, Let’s Get Quizzical, etc…

The HJ Quiz is one of the highlights of the Horsham social calendar and, while we cannot yet convene in person, we do have a Zoom-based pub quiz planned for all the family on Thursday 25th March at 7:00pm (until 8:15pm). Organiser Roger offers the tempting information that there will be prizes, although really it’s all about the glory. There will be 5 rounds, including Geography, Music and Film, with a running theme woven throughout. The Zoom details are below (and will be posted again a few days before), so make a note in your diaries! 

Meeting ID: 886 0986 3901

Passcode: 858619

South Downs Way Relay – Update

This just in from John Wilcox:

Organizers have decided to move the Douth Downs Way  Relay from Saturday June 5th to Saturday July 3rd to increase the chances of the event going ahead. A full refund will be given to any teams already entered who find they cannot participate on this date.

The deadline for entries is still Thursday 1st April. All other information and requirements on the invitation remain the same.

Horsham 10k – Update

Hopefully the weekend after the SDWR will see our very own club race go ahead on Sunday July 11th. The HJ Committee will be monitoring further announcements from the government and will make a final decision regarding the race after our April meeting, and not later than May 1st.

Club Marathon Places

The club are still awaiting a decision from the organisers of both the London and Brighton Marathons as to whether we will be allocated any club places, and how many might be made available. Once we have an update we will make an announcement to clarify the criteria for entering the ballot for these places.

Community Spirit

We’re always on the lookout for ways in which the club could make contributions to the local community. The HJ Run & Talk team are hoping to get some activities underway as lockdown recedes and the club is open to suggestions from everyone. If you have an idea, please share with us!

On my honour!

On that note, we are pleased to announce that we have two members who this year qualify for honorary membership (being over 65 and having been a paying member for a minimum of the previous ten years). 

There are apparently three existing HJHMs who have not yet confirmed their agreement for HJ to retain their personal details for a further four years. If they wish to remain members, they are asked to consent to their data being held. Hopefully you all know who you are!

Save money!

March 2021 club discount code is: HVSAJ8 With this running club promotion code, you enjoy 10% off and FREE standard delivery on all orders over £30, expires 02-04-21

If you encounter issues with this discount code please contact sportsshoes customer service dept on: 01274 530 530 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

Also a reminder that HJ members qualify for a 10% discount at Up & Running, on presentation of their membership.

Subscribe to Emails

If you want to get updates by e-mail – don’t forget to re-subscribe via the website!

Events Calendar:

March 25th HJ Pub Quiz

March 30th Tuesday runs restart!

April 1st Membership renewals due

April 25th Goodwood 5, 10k, HM, 20, Full M

May 1st – 3rd Mid-Sussex Virtual Half Marathon Wkd

May 2nd Three Forts Marathon

May 9th Dunsfold Jigsaw Run 10k

May 15th Eastbourne Trackstar Marathon and Half

HJ NEWS! – 12th January 2020

Ed – Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful festive season and have set some new running goals for 2020? We have some exciting news to bring you so lets get cracking…………………….

Committee activity

We met again on Wednesday 8th January with two guest members and discussed the usual club finances, kit, new members, forthcoming event etc as well as the member survey, challenge trophy series, committee vacancies, twinning and injury clinics! More on some of this later. We agreed to meet again on 26th February 2020 and you are welcome to join us by arrangement.

 The Results Round-up

A shorter round-up this time, what with the run up to Christmas festivities. This is compiled mainly from the race reports by Chris Yeomans, your regular results fix of who has been doing what is HERE!

Committee vacancies

At the next AGM, we already know that four of your committee members will stand down after many years of service to the club. Chairman Phil, Secretary Sue and committee members Fiona and Paul are all vacating their seats. So, we have vacancies on the committee and if you want to give back to the club in anyway, please let us know. The club constitution stipulates that we require a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer along with up to 8 other members to form a maximum committee of 11. With our new treasurer in place and a new secretary already shadowing Sue on the run up to the AGM, the key role to fill is that of Chairperson. Phil has kindly summarised what this involves HERE! Volunteering provides an opportunity for your voice to be heard and for your ideas and input to influence the direction of the club in the future. Please CONTACT US if you feel you have what it takes or if you want more details.

Member Survey

Barring a few ping backs, all members should now be in receipt of our 2020 member survey, hosted by Survey Monkey. Take a look in your inbox and spam folder and, if you haven’t had it please CONTACT US. Your feed back is important to us and can influence the direction of the club and future initiatives. Please take a few minutes to complete it before the 29th January end date. Just answer the first question and it will take you through to the complete survey.

New WSFRL raceCrawley Run Crew are the latest club to add to the fixtures list this year. The “Run Your Heart Out” 8k is due to be held on 16th Feb and will start and finish at K2, using the paths and trails around Tilgate Forest and Park. Advance club entry is £3 (juniors go for free) and entry on the day is £7 (subject to availability). Take a look HERE for race details and enter in advance via the MemberZone before 29th January cut off!

Club Challenge Trophy races for 2020

The committee has made some changes this year in order to increase member participation and mix up the potential winners a bit. The rules remain the same and more information can be found HERE. But remember; results are taken from your GUN TIME and you MUST be wearing an official club race vest or t-shirt to qualify for an award (both available from the MemberZone)!

WSFRL Challenge – CRC “Run Your Heart Out” 8k – 16th Feb

10 mile Challenge – Haywards Heath 10 – 24th May

Half Marathon Challenge – Henfield Half – 16th Aug

10k Challenge – Littlehampton 10k – 6th Sept

Injury Drop-in ClinicHands On Sports Therapy are based at The Bridge and Tony has kindly offered members a FREE 10-15 minute drop-in session between 5 and 7pm on Tuesday 28th January. If you are upping your training miles in preparation for a marathon or have been ignoring a niggle for a while, why not pop in before your run with the club for some free help and advice. There’s no need to book. Just tell reception staff that you are there to see Hands On and they will allow you through to the 1st floor treatment room. Dependent on numbers, you may need to wait for a bit before seeing Tony. Any subsequent follow-up treatment will also be discounted for club members.

#RunAndTalk eventsContinuing the theme of our popular post-run event in December, our next RunAndTalk evening will be on 4th February, where we will be recognising Time to Talk Day, and again we invite everyone to join us in the bridge cafe for tea / coffee and a catch-up after the regular Tuesday evening club run. This is an informal event, open to all, so please pop in and say hello!

We are also pleased to welcome Roger Johnson, who has joined our team of Mental Health Champions. Please check out our web page HERE for more information, and keep an eye out for upcoming events.

Marathon Training volunteers

James is doing a fantastic job with organising the volunteers to provide a route and water stops each week, but he needs to fill 4 more slots for the 8am Sunday training plan. If you can volunteer, please take a look at the rota HERE and let James know which date you can cover.

Twinning UpdateTG Lage, our twinned club in Germany, hosted AdventLauf before Christmas and a few members of Horsham Joggers made the trip to take part. Read all about it HERE

Gunpowder Trot Assistant

We may be 10 months away from the next GT event but run director, Margaret is already looking for a 2nd in command to help her this year. You would be involved in shadowing the event preparations and delivery of another fabulous run in November 2020. If you want to get involved, please CONTACT US.

Brighton Marathon Places

The club still has some places available for the Brighton Marathon on 19th April. If you want to use one, please CONTACT US.

Good news, race stories, new PB’s?

We are still looking for new material for the newsletter or to shout about your achievements in the local press. If you have something to tell us about your weekend running achievements there are numerous options – EMAIL US or MESSAGE US or POST IT TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE – So, don’t be shy. We all want to share in your success!

Dates for your diary

18th Jan – Sussex Master X-country champs, Lancing

18th Jan – Fitstuff G3 Race 2, Newlands Corner

19th Jan – Winter Tanners 20, Leatherhead

25th Jan – Run through Lee Valley Velopark, QE Park

25th Jan – Maverick Terrex Original 8, 15, 23k, Amberley Museum

28th Jan  – Injury drop in clinic

29th Jan – Member survey end date

1st Feb – Fitstuff G3 Race 3, Newlands Corner

2nd Feb – Chichester 10k

4th Feb – Time to Talk day

9th Feb – Worthing 10k and Half Marathon

16th Feb – Run Your Heart Out 8k (WSFRL & Challenge Trophy race)

23rd Feb – Brighton Half Marathon