Calling all Quizzee Rascals…

That’s right, it’s time again for the highlight of the club calendar, the legendary HJ quiz!

So, put on your general knowledge heads and join us on Friday 19th November at Horsham Sports Club, Cricket Field Road, for an evening of fun and questionable trivia.

You can now register teams of a maximum of 6 players (min 2 HJ members per team), with a cost of £6 per team payable on the night.

Our new quiz hosts will be bringing you 6 rounds of questions on a wide range of subjects.

The bar will be open for liquid refreshments, but you can bring your own nibbles (in previous years ‘nibbles’ has equated to full-on banquets!).

Doors open at 7pm and it’s eyes down at 7.30pm sharp!

Will you prove to be the weakest link, or perhaps a mastermind in the making? There’s only one way to find out, so register your team by contacting Julie at julie.jochimsen@btinternet.com

We look forward to seeing you there!