Category Archives: Awards

Eileen Quinton Award

Eileen Quinton – The ‘Queen of the West Sussex Fun Run League’ – was an accomplished and determined runner, even well into her 80’s. Eileen was on the original Horsham Joggers Committee. An inspiration to many Horsham Joggers.

In memory of Eileen Quinton, the first Eileen Quinton Award, a returnable shield to be passed on to the winner each year, will be presented at the AGM on Friday 21 April 2023. 

It was agreed at a recent Committee meeting that the Award, for Achievement and Participation in the West Sussex Fun Run League, will be based on points scored by individual members in the WSFRL races.

Each Horsham Jogger will be awarded 5 points for participation in a race in addition to points awarded by the league for the race position.  These points will be totalled at the end of the WSFRL season in November.

Volunteers for the Gunpowder Trot will also get 5 points, the same as for participation, but to avoid duplication for those who volunteered and ran, no points will be awarded for volunteering if the person also took part in the event.