All posts by hj

Committee changes

The Horsham Joggers committee is delighted to welcome Paul Morley as the new Chairperson with immediate effect. We look forward to working with Paul under his stewardship and maintain the strong progression and standing of our club. You can read more about Paul (and all the other members too!) on our HJ Committee page

Further, due to other commitments Kate Short has decided to stand down from the committee with immediate effect. We thank Kate for her services to the committee over the last few months during these unprecedented times.

Your club needs you!

Your club is again reaching out to the membership and asking for anyone who is interested in becoming chairperson.

For the ‘job spec’ please see below.

The role itself is not overly involved.  A ‘normal’ week for the chairperson (pre-COVID) is: The Week@ on social media on a Sunday, then imparting most of that on Tuesday at the club and then it’s just anything else that may come up!  You would host the annual Awards Evening and AGM, and chair the committee meetings once every 5 weeks or so dealing with any allocated actions that might arise out of it.  Largely however, it is really about being a good people person and communicator.  The committee is super supportive of each other and there to willingly share the load.

By joining the committee as the chairperson, you are making yourself available to give your fellow club members a voice, providing leadership, and supporting the club in its direction and decision making to ensure that the club can run effectively for the good of the membership, regardless of circumstance.

Please consider stepping up and being our new Chairperson.  If you wish to express an interest in this role please speak to one of the committee members (see below) or email:

Your current committee members:

  • Andy Robins
  • Baz Panchal
  • Clive Walker
  • Diane Berry
  • Iain Campbell
  • Kate Short
  • Margaret Wadman
  • Mark Aylmore
  • Roger Johnson
  • Sok Wah Lee
  • Stephen Entecott

We thank you for reading this and your time in considering our request.

HJ Chairperson Job Spec:

  • The role of the Club Chairperson is to co-ordinate the management of the club for the benefit of its members.
  • Working closely with the other committee members, helping to support club initiatives and co-ordinating club evenings and events.
  • Liaise with external bodies when needed.
  • Adhere to any related GDPR data and privacy principles.
  • Promote and respect any health and safety matters relating to the club members.
  • You need to be a good people person, able to relate to all age groups and sections of the club, and deal diplomatically with any problems that arise.
  • Committee Meetings/AGM –
    • Chair meetings every 4 to 6 weeks and host annual events such as the AGM and Awards Night, liaising with the other officers of the club to ensure all information and equipment is available.
    • Make sure any necessary decisions are taken with a vote and if equal, the Chairman has the casting vote.
    • Take any owned actions out of the meeting and ensure they are carried out.
    • Present an overview of the club year at the AGM.
    • Present any cup or awards at club events.

Other responsibilities –

  • To be visible to club members by attending regularly at club sessions
  • Deliver the Tuesday evening club run news update
  • If needed, mediate any membership interpersonal key concerns

2020 Club AGM

Club AGM Wednesday 30th September

As we hinted at last week, due to the change of rules regarding the current pandemic the AGM WILL still take place on the above date but will be entirely on Zoom starting at 7.30pm.  Everyone will be sent links to join the Zoom meeting nearer the day.

The full agenda for the event can be found here – Horsham-Joggers-AGM-30th-September-2020

Please be aware that the following additional rule will be added to the club marathon ballot rules

  • Any successful recipients of a place via the Club LM ballot cannot reapply for a place within 3 years.

Update on potential return to club sessions, Horsham Round & AGM

Your club committee met last week in Horsham park (socially distanced of course!) to discuss the above topics. We have started to form a plan but there is still a lot to do and we need you to help us.
Firstly, we are looking at restarting Tuesday sessions but to do this within the current guidelines we will need more group leaders.
The good news is that we are open to potential leaders having the following choices,

  1. Flexible distances/start locations/start times (preferably Tuesday between 6-8pm)
  2. Having a say over group size (within current guidelines)
A Booking Coordinator will be taking charge of most aspects assembling the group lists and then passing them to the group leaders. So if you are interested please let us know on our new dedicated email

If you have taken a group before or through lockdown, we urge you to come forward and offer your services, as while you and your groups have been able to continue with a sense of normality, some of our members have been training alone and are desperate to get back to some group training. We are an all inclusive club and we really want to get everyone back together and feeling connected again, so your help would be really appreciated.

We also discussed the Horsham Round and will have more news on this soon.

Finally, we discussed the AGM as we need to have one at some point. We are looking at September/October and if by this point we can have a physical one then we will, if not it will be on Zoom or a similar medium. Now is also a good time to say that with the committee departures we are looking for 4 new committee members! So if you are interested in putting your name forward use the email address mentioned earlier. We need some new blood and this is your chance to help shape this fabulous club we all love in its future plans.

Thanks for reading this and please volunteer to help if you can, in these difficult times we can all make a difference by helping and supporting each other.

Phil (Club Chairman)

2020/21 Membership Fees

During this unprecedented time we have had a couple of questions about the above. Memberships that start for all on the 1st April are now due as are EA affiliation fees. We have no remit over the EA and we feel that at £10 per year our membership represents good value, so we will not be offering partial refunds during this time or the opportunity to pay a pro rata amount once the club resumes activities. Hopefully everyone will be in agreement with this and if anyone has any views please can they contact info@ and not comment on social media.
We do appreciate these are uncertain times and some of you may have financial concerns so we will say that subs can be paid up to the end of July without incurring the rejoining fee.
Stay safe and we hope we can all be running together again soon.


Firstly, we hope you are all well and coping the best you can with the current isolation and social distancing guidelines.
We just wanted to inform you that during the time that the club activities are suspended, we have not renewed our Personal Accident Insurance.
We understand that this will not effect any one as we are not doing anything together as a club but we deemed it diligent to inform you just the same.
As soon as the club becomes active again we will update you on this.
Stay safe and hope to see you all again very soon.